Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player paid in the season 2021-2022

German Centeno
3 min read
Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player paid in the season 2021-2022

After its passage through the Juventus FC the Portuguese Christian Ronaldo has returned to Manchester United, Club that gave way to the Real Madrid Where the Portuguese reached the tallest stop in your sports career. But, on this occasion the striker has not only returned to succeed, but he is about to become the best paid of the season, overcoming Lionel Messi.

This is how Ronaldo will win this season US $ 125 million in the Manchester United, before taxes, so 70 million will be solely from its salary and premiums. While the Argentine star Lionel Messi will win this season in the Sum of US% 110 million, so he will become the second best paid footballer behind the Portuguese.

The Argentine player 34 and newly incorporated in the Paris Saint-Germain, is estimated that I can win more than Christian Ronaldo in terms of salary, so the Del Argentina could reach US% 75 million, 5 million more than Portuguese.

Money through social networks

It is not a secret that Christian Ronaldo is the most popular footballer in social networks, currently has more than 500 million followers on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, so it is estimated that only for these networks Social The footballer receives the sum of US $ 55 million for concepts of sponsorships, while Lionel Messi receives around 35 million.

Cristiano Ronaldo Above the PSG

Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player paid in the season 2021-2022

In relation to best-paid footballers this season 2021-2022, the PSG is behind the Portuguese, so the second place is occupied by Messi, while following it Neymar and KylianMbapper, respectively occupying the third and fourth place. In this way, it is estimated that they would be earning both US $ 95 million neymar, and US $ 43 million MBAPPE.

In the case of the Brazilian striker, he has just signed a four-year extension with the French club, so he would be winning more than Ronaldo Cristiano in terms of revenue in the field, that is, Neymar I would handle a figure of US $ 75 million, but as for the sponsorships, the Brazilian is far from reaching Portuguese, since it only manages a figure around US $ 20 million.

Likewise, the French capital team has three of the best paid players in the world. Remembering that the psg has been tried for several years to put on the best possible equipment that takes you to get the champion league for the first time in all its history.

Finally, in the Top 5 of this list is the player of the Liverpool, Mohamed Salah, who is estimated to win this season the sum of US $ 41 million. It should be noted that this list prepared by Forbes, takes into account the clubs, the agents of the players, the sponsors and the financial experts, in order to deduce who are the best-paid footballers each season.
