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Microsoft has found a new rival: a group of nuns

2 min de lectura

As unusual as it may sound, one of the largest technology companies in the world may be in a tight spot. And it is that recently the company has been having problems with a group of nuns who are shareholders of the company.

Microsoft has found a new rival: a group of nuns – Technology – WebMediums
Microsoft's problems.

Probably when you think of a Microsoft rival you could think of Apple, Linux or any other company that competes in their field.

However, this is not the case, and it turns out that Microsoft has recently had problems with a formidable rival, a group of nuns who have shares within the company.

These nuns belong to the Sisters of San José de La Paz and are standing up against Microsoft. This in order that the company is responsible for the ethical and social consequences caused by the technologies they create.

Microsoft has found a new rival: a group of nuns – Technology – WebMediums
Nuns against Microsoft.

This may seem unusual, considering that they are shareholders. And that Microsoft is a company whose sector is the development of new technologies, both in software and hardware.

But despite this, the group of nuns maintains a struggle to get the company to give in on two points that they are quite clear about.

The first point is to get Microsoft's values to change, and that is, the sisters want greater privacy to be offered to their customers.

As a second point, the group wants the company to stop developing and selling software related to facial recognition. And this is linked to the first point, since they consider it as a violation of people's privacy.

Microsoft and its facial recognition technology

Remember that Microsoft is one of the companies that develops facial recognition software for government use.

That is, a software designed for the use of government agencies and police use. And the group of sisters believes that Microsoft is using its position to help oppress the population.

This group of nuns seeks to begin to change their policies, ethics and values.

So far, the company has not issued any statement regarding this situation. It is unlikely that this group of nuns can achieve their goals, however, doing so would set a precedent in favor of protecting the privacy of all people.
