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Google publicará dibujo de niña asesinada en el tiroteo de Uvalde

Lenin Boscaney
3 min de lectura
Este es el dibujo que Alithia Ramírez creó para concursar en “Doodle for Google”.

Alithia Haven Ramírez era una niña de 10 años que vivía en Uvalde Texas. A su corta edad, ella quería ser conocida por el mundo cuando observaran sus dibujos y en este caso Google aceptó cumplir su sueño.

Alithia perdió la vida junto a sus compañeros de clases en un tiroteo producido el pasado mes de mayo en la escuela primaria Robb, en donde murieron 19 niños y dos adultos. El padre de Alithia, Ryan Ramírez, se enteró 12 horas después.

Ramírez describía a su hija como “muy adorable y amable, siempre tenía un crayón en la mano, dándolo todo”. El presidente Joe Biden, cuando visitó Uvalde, le dijo a Ryan que tendría colgado, de ahora en adelante, uno de los dibujos de Alithia en la Casa Blanca.

Cabe destacar, que la niña presentó su dibujo antes de la fecha límite en el mes de marzo y el mismo consiste en una niña sentada en un sofá, junto a su mascota y dos ovillos de lana. En su presentación expresó:

“Quiero que el mundo vea mi arte y mostrar al mundo lo que puedo hacer, quiero que la gente sea feliz cuando vea mi pasión en el arte”.

Es de hacer notar, que en este año, el concurso “Doodle for Google” cumple 14 años y la temática utilizada será el autocuidado. Normalmente, permiten a los niños “mostrar su propia creatividad con el Doodle en y, de paso, ganar increíbles premios”, explica el gigante de las búsquedas por internet.

A comienzos del presente año, Google solicitó a los estudiantes que presentaran sus creaciones para el concurso, con la particularidad que el ganador vería su obra en la página del buscador durante 24 horas y también ganaría grandes premios.

Para esta ocasión, los jueces los conformaron Selena Gómez, actriz y cantante reconocida; Elyse Fox, activista de la salud mental y Juliana Urtubey, la profesora del año 2021.

Las tres se encargaron de filtrar los dibujos y escogieron 54 ganadores estatales y territoriales. Luego los usuarios de Google votaron para elegir a los cinco finalistas que se anunciarán la semana próxima.

El 28 de julio es el día escogido para anunciar a los cinco finalistas, mientras que el ganador se escogerá en agosto, informó mediante un correo electrónico Colette García, portavoz de Google.

Cabe destacar, que los finalistas obtendrán una beca universitaria de US$5.000, mientras que el ganador recibirá una beca de US$30.000 y un paquete tecnológico para su escuela de US$50.000.

El dibujo de Alithia no fue escogido para la ronda final, sin embargo, Google anunció que publicará su dibujo en una página especial creada para ella y las otras personas que fueron víctimas del tiroteo de Uvalde.

“Nos comprometemos a honrar esos deseos y su legado. Su historia y su arte nos han conmovido profundamente, y hemos querido honrar la petición de su familia de compartir su talento único, que le fue arrebatado tan trágicamente como resultado de una violencia sin sentido”, señaló García.


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0 min de lectura

Re-entering the digital world after a five-year hiatus was supposed to be an exciting adventure for me. I had been busy with family and work commitments, and as I reconnected with the online realm, I was filled with anticipation. Little did I know, this new chapter would bring one of the most challenging experiences of my life. What began as a simple interaction turned into a harrowing ordeal involving a serious investment scam. It was a typical Tuesday afternoon when I decided to take a break. I was lounging in my yard, watching my dogs frolic and smoke a cigarette, enjoying a rare moment of peace. My phone rang, and the caller ID showed an unfamiliar number. A lady on the other end of the line introduced herself, claiming to know me from my former workplace. Our conversation was friendly and casual, and soon we were chatting online. She presented herself as someone genuinely interested in reconnecting and catching up. As our conversations continued, she introduced me to an investment platform. The opportunity seemed legitimate and promising. She spoke highly of its potential returns and assured me of its credibility. After much contemplation, I decided to invest. It felt like a prudent move, given her persuasive arguments and the platform’s professional appearance. A month passed, and it was time for me to withdraw my funds. The excitement of seeing my investment grow quickly turned into anxiety when the platform's representatives began requesting additional fees and charges. They asked for more and more money under various pretexts, each time promising that it was the final requirement before I could access my funds. The incessant demands and lack of transparency were red flags, but I was caught in a cycle of desperation and hope. It wasn’t until the situation reached a breaking point that I paused to reflect on how I had ended up here. As I reviewed the entire sequence of events, I realized with a sinking heart that I had fallen victim to an elaborate scam. The investment platform was nothing more than a sophisticated fraud designed to exploit unsuspecting individuals like me. The realization was devastating and I felt a profound sense of betrayal and helplessness. My hard-earned money was gone, and I was unsure of how to proceed. It was during this turbulent time that I came across RAPID DIGITAL RECOVERY. The name itself suggested a glimmer of hope, and I decided to reach out to them in my desperation. When I first contacted RAPID DIGITAL RECOVERY, I was met with a sense of understanding and professionalism that was reassuring. They listened to my story with patience and empathy, acknowledging the gravity of my situation. The representative assigned to my case assured me that they had experience handling such matters and that they would work diligently to recover my lost funds. Their approach was methodical and thorough. They asked for all necessary details and documentation related to the scam, ensuring that no aspect of the case was overlooked. Throughout the process, I was kept informed of the progress and provided with updates, which helped alleviate some of my anxiety. The team at RAPID DIGITAL RECOVERY was consistently professional and kept their promises. Remarkably, it took only two days for RAPID DIGITAL RECOVERY to complete their work. When I received the news that my funds had been successfully recovered and deposited back into my personal account, a wave of relief and gratitude washed over me. The speed and efficiency with which they resolved the issue were nothing short of impressive. I cannot express enough how grateful I am to RAPID DIGITAL RECOVERY for their expertise and dedication. They not only recovered my funds but also provided emotional support during a very distressing time. Their calm and assured demeanor made a significant difference in my experience, helping me regain my confidence and trust in the digital world. The ordeal of falling victim to an investment scam was a painful chapter in my life, but it was made bearable by the intervention of RAPID DIGITAL RECOVERY. Their swift action and professional handling of the situation restored my faith in getting justice and recovering what was rightfully mine. For anyone facing a similar plight, I wholeheartedly recommend RAPID DIGITAL RECOVERY for their support.


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