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Avocado is the best ally for your hair

Try all these ways to use avocado as an essential remedy for your mane

A fresh avocado can do a lot for you

Avocado is undoubtedly a multifaceted fruit, it looks good in meals and has endless benefits for its creaminess, heart and leaf. It is truly a fruit of the Gods!

The beauty secrets are hidden in several of their products, in some simply the star, both for hair masks, or for facial masks.

Its hydration power is one of the fastest and brightest, even more important because it is natural.

For this reason, it is also not necessary to spend a lot of money on processed masks, we can do endless things with avocado in a homemade way.

Especially avocado for hair is great if you have it very dry.

Join us to discover in this article everything that avocado can offer you as a secret to show off a shiny and silky mane, surely later you will not want to take it out of your beauty ritual.

Avocado hair masks

This fruit, thanks to its creaminess, can be mixed with other natural products to make the best homemade masks that can exist.

Regarding the hair, we can mix them with infusions of tea, egg, honey, olive oil, coconut oil, lemon, which belong to the most outstanding ingredients to name.

But technically we can apply avocado pulp without any other additional attribution.

But we always want the best beautifying reaction, that's why we add more vitamins and minerals.

Everything our hair needs.

Hair damaged by dye

Avocado mask for brittle hair

This is responsible for strengthening the scalp, and if you have strong roots you will have strong hair.

If you feel like your hair is very brittle or has a tendency to fall out, this homemade recipe is an amazing idea to make twice a week.

1. In a container place half or the pulp of an avocado (depending on the amount of hair you have)

2. Add a whole egg.

3. Mix until smooth.

4. With detangled hair and a little damp (Not soaked) Apply the mask from the beginning to the end of your hair.

5. Let stand for 30 minutes to 40 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water, and then wash hair normally.

Curly hair woman

Avocado mask for curls

We have already talked about the moisturizing and shine capacity that avocado can offer, but does something change if instead of "common" hair we apply it to curly hair?

The action is not the same at all, and even more effective if you add an ingredient that at first glance is not believed to be mixed with avocado: lemon.

1. Cream or avocado pulp add to a container.

2. Add the juice of one or two lemons (depending on the amount of your hair and when you have added the pulp, it should not be too liquid)

3. Add a whole egg to the mixture to finish mixing until everything is well linked.

4. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or when you already feel cold.

5. Apply from roots to ends.

6. Wash your hair.

Not knowing what to do with brittle or dry hair

Avocado mask for dry hair

If you are one of the girls who spend a lot of time away from home, and the sun mistreats their hair a lot, this recipe is the one that most does the action of repairing with avocado.

If you use it frequently, it can also be a protection for those very sunny days.

1. Avocado pulp in a container.

2. Add and mix aloe vera water (you can also add honey or mayonnaise) For best results also use olive oil for hair.

3. Apply with detangled and slightly damp hair from the beginning to the end.

4. Let stand 40 minutes.

5. Wash your hair.

Fruit seed

Avocado seed benefits

We have already talked a lot about the benefits of avocado pulp or cream masks, but when we finish them, what do we do with its seed?

You may think that it has no other uses than to take care that the avocado is maintained but internal dents. But do not throw it away, use it! It has not finished being useful yet.

So, we can add this part as an avocado hair treatment.

It can be used to cover gray hair, conditioner, mask and anti-dandruff shampoo.

Avocado seed to disappear gray hair

1. In a pot with water, bring to a boil two avocado seeds, each cut into four parts.

2. Add a cinnamon stick cut into tiny pieces.

3. Strain and remove the ingredients and keep the resulting water.

4. Let stand for a whole day.

5. Apply after washing your hair.

This remedy will be used as a tonic, so its application should be daily. In a matter of weeks you will be able to tell the difference, when the gray hair begins to turn light brown.

Avocado seed as a conditioner for brittle hair

1. Boil three avocado seeds.

2. Let stand until completely cold.

3. Apply as a tonic for a few weeks.

4. You must massage the scalp for at least 3 minutes during its application, after washing your hair.

This hydrates and strengthens the hair, it can also fight dandruff.

Oil sample

Avocado oil

For greater attributions to avocado, its oil is sold in high quantities, since it is an incredible contributor of shine and silkiness.

Especially for women who, after fixing or ironing their hair, need a little of this oil to show off that almost golden ironing. This is the best way to use it.

You should give it a try and find out if it really works.

Possessing a great source of vitamins, such as B and E, which make it have that incredible effect practically instantaneously.

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19 años. Redactora y artista integral ✍✨

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