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"I do not resign" enabled a telephone line for the psychological care of mothers and women

“Telephone I take care of myself” is the name of this service tool 24 hours a day.

Laura Baena, president of the Association "I do not resign" announced this Thursday the launch of a telephone line that will be open 24 hours a day for the comprehensive care of women and mothers.

This line is called “Phone I take care of myself” and will be made up of a team of 25 psychologists who will attend to women throughout the day. Baena explains that this initiative stems from the importance of being able to provide psychological help to women, since they do not access it for one reason or another.

The Club de las Malasmadres, of which this association is a part, also contributed to the creation of this telephone assistance thanks to a study that it applied in 2020 and it can be known that 95% of women said they stopped taking care of themselves since they became in mothers.

In addition to this, 86% of Spanish women stated that they felt sad or apathetic and did not seek psychological help despite needing it. Given these figures, Baena, through the Association, has decided to give life to this free initiative for mothers and women.

"We studied what were the barriers that prevented women from accessing this care and we saw that they are the lack of money, time and the shame of what they will say," she added.

A telephone line that does not stop

This telephone tool will be used to deal with problems such as grief, separation, depression, accidents, bulimia, anorexia and other difficulties that users face.

To make this possible, the president of the Association has informed that 25 psychologists with an approximate age of 40 will be in this line to be able to provide totally free personalized attention throughout the day.

In order to access and enjoy the service, women must enter the Association's website and there they will have the opportunity to call the line that appears on the screen free of charge to begin their psychological care with any of the professionals.

In the presentation of this tool, the psychologist Laura Rojas was also present, who not only supported the idea, but also reinforced it, indicating that comprehensive care is essential to build a healthy society.

“A ray of light in the darkness of the days, in maternity where you see no way out”, continued the communicator Tania Llasera, who also agrees with the need for this tool and how useful it can be for women and mothers.

"When motherhood arrives, women enter into an existential crisis that makes their world shake and we do not have the necessary tools at hand to face these situations," Laura Baena also added in the presentation.

The "Telephone I take care of myself" will be able to provide professional and comprehensive help to users who want to be mentally healthy.

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Padre, esposo, cristiano y periodista que lucha cada día por ser mejor y dejar un legado de bien.

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