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Spinach and tomato salad recipe

Spinach and tomato salad.

A very nutritious food that helps raise the body's defenses is spinach. For this reason, I bring you this spinach and tomato salad recipe, which you cannot miss.

If you practice any physical activity on a regular basis, raw spinach salad can help you increase the tone of your muscle mass. Also, if you suffer from a heart condition, provide your body with this delicious food.

Without further ado, learn what you need to prepare this spinach and tomato salad.

Ingredients for raw spinach salad

  • 80 grams of cucumber.

  • 1 tomato.

  • Salt.

  • Pepper.

  • 50 grams of onion.

  • 200 grams of spinach.

  • 1 tablespoon of almonds.

  • 1 lemon.

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Fresh spinach for a raw spinach salad.

Preparation of fresh spinach salad

For this preparation you must have at least 15 minutes. Considering the amount of ingredients described, you can get 2 servings of food. So let's get started.

  1. Start by washing all the vegetables, peeling them and shaping them into the shapes you want. You can combine shapes, use cutters or chop everything under one scheme.

  2. When you have everything chopped and ready, it's time to place all the vegetables in a salad bowl.

  3. Besides, for the sauce, you must place the lemon juice in a container, taking care not to include the seeds.

  4. Also, add the olive oil, pepper and salt . This is a simple vinaigrette that goes with all kinds of salads; however, here you can do the one you like the most.

  5. Add this preparation to the vegetables and by mixing, you will have a spinach and tomato salad.

Fresh spinach salad.

As the idea is to eat a fresh spinach salad, it is recommended that the food is in very good condition, therefore, do not chop too much before eating. Playing with the right time you can have a fresh and crunchy salad or fresh and integrated.

Remember that you can add as a base or meat companion, with which the spinach mixes wonderfully. Or if you prefer you can add a little boiled egg, chopping the white and crushing the yellow in the sauce to give it texture.

If you decide on this last option, do not forget to consume the sauce on the same day, since the life of the egg is shortened. Cheer up to try it and tell us the results.

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La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

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