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The benefits of walking for our body

One of the many benefits of walking is to reduce stress and anxiety.

We are bipedal beings and to move we walk or run, so today we want to talk to you about the benefits of walking, a daily action that generates many positive aspects in our lives and that you should implement to improve your lifestyle.

Walking is an action performed by both humans and animals. It is the way in which we move and direct our body towards a specific point.

The benefits of walking are many, experts recommend doing it, even for an hour a day. Know everything you can enjoy if you carry out this indication.

Walking creates awareness of the body and its care

Being aware of the body means that we know the parts of our body and the different functions, in this sense, you are going to take much more care of it and value it as it deserves.

Therefore, to fully understand the benefits of walking 1 hour a day, it is necessary to begin by raising awareness that the greatest beneficiary is ourselves, our body.

Our body is wonderful, specially created to help us in all the exciting tasks and activities that we like to do, so you must take care of it, love it and value it so that you continue to perform as you really like.

prevents obesity

Obesity, one of the diseases that has been on the rise during the pandemic, since people are confined at home without being able to carry out other recreational activities such as sports.

Despite this, walking is a simple action to perform, even in the streets surrounding your residence. Walking prevents body weight from increasing excessively, this is because by moving your legs, you burn calories and warm up your whole body.

If we were to point out the benefits of running and walking, this would be the list:

  • Maintain your ideal weight.

  • It builds your muscles.

  • Keeps you in shape.

  • It allows you to have other abilities like higher stamina and better breathing.

  • Controls blood sugar levels.

  • It prevents arthritis and many other diseases that you would surely like to know about so that you can start walking right away.

Reduces stress and anxiety

That's right, nowadays we are so immersed in work that stress, anxiety and depression knock on our door without realizing it and one of the easiest ways to avoid all these evils is by walking.

Walking is a good option to maintain balanced mental health. Every muscle that we put to work relaxes us, yes, it seems contradictory, but walking, in addition to strengthening our body, allows us to concentrate on the effort, thus forcing the mind to distract itself and erase or avoid those burdens that cause us stress and sadness.

In fact, it has also been shown that children who are used to walking at an early age can perform better in school, so if you are a parent, consider this option for your little one.

positively influences memory

If you thought that the benefits of running and walking were only on a physical level, you are wrong.

These actions also keep your brain active, allowing you to focus on the activity, react to a stimulus much faster than other people, and in turn improve your memory.

This is very good because this skill is necessary in everyday life. Memory allows us to follow an established routine at home, helps us find lost objects and organizes us.

It gives us emotional security

Exercising helps us look good and as the saying goes, looking good is feeling good. So one of the benefits of walking 1 hour a day is that it gives us emotional security, an aspect that most people ignore.

Emotional health is as important as physical health, in fact, we can say that it is even more so.

Feeling good is the basis for carrying out any daily action such as working, living with your peers, being at home with your family, being parents, in short. Being well emotionally is essential in the midst of society.

As you can see, there are five benefits of walking that we have mentioned and within each one of them are written more positive consequences than you surely imagined.

Running and walking are daily, but energetic, beneficial actions that, if you practice them daily, will obtain good results.

General conclusions

To conclude the topic, it is not necessary to establish a schedule, you can walk when you feel like it, the important thing is to do it for an hour a day if you want to observe changes in the future. You can do it!

The benefits of running and walking are so many that our list may have fallen short, however, you can add to it if you experience it yourself. So, let's walk! Help your body to become healthier.

Having good health helps you in all your daily tasks, moreover, it is a requirement that you must have to work, have time with your family, share with friends, among others.

For this reason, a good step is to start taking into account the benefits of walking 1 hour a day and thus gradually incorporate other sports practices.

It's time to change habits, to be responsible with your body, to grow physically, to better develop your skills. It's time to walk, run, exercise.

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Padre, esposo, cristiano y periodista que lucha cada día por ser mejor y dejar un legado de bien.

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