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Chocolate and wine-based mousse

A special evening with friends and family cannot end without adding a sweet and attractive touch to the eye. Therefore, this chocolate and wine-based mousse will be perfect for a special moment.

Chocolate mousse.

This time we will make a creamy dessert with a fairly strong flavor that combines sweetness with liquor to create a new flavor.

You've probably already made the chocolate mousse even with just a few ingredients. However, as we are adding the wine in the preparation, this is usually a little different.

This does not represent more than a couple of extra steps to be able to incorporate them into the recipe, since we will use gelatin to complement the texture. What you should consider when making this recipe is to take the time you need so that everything comes out excellent.

Ingredients for the chocolate and wine-based mousse

  • 50 milliliters of water

  • 300 grams of semi-bitter chocolate

  • ¼ heavy cream

  • 4 egg whites

  • 100 grams of gelatin

  • 180 milliliters of wine

  • 120 grams of sugar

Chocolate mousse

Step-by-step preparation of mousse based on chocolate and wine

1. The first thing to do is place the gelatin in the water to hydrate.

You may need to heat the water a bit, a few seconds in the microwave will be more than enough to dissolve the gelatin well.

2. In a saucepan place the wine and sugar r. Heat over medium heat, until the sugar has melted, and the mixture feels thick.

They should have a texture and density similar to that of honey.

3. When you have achieved the ideal texture, add the gelatin dissolved in the water. The water must be cold before integrating.

4. Meanwhile, place the whites in a bowl and beat until they form soft peaks.

5. When obtaining the texture, incorporate the wine mixture into the whites, in the form of a thread very slowly.

6. Do not stop stirring at any time, and continue until all the whites reach the snow point.

7. Achieved firm peaks, keep in the fridge.

8. Set up a water bath so that you melt the chocolate and when it is well melted, add the mixture of the whites.

Don't forget to use wrapping movements to create a creamy texture.

9. You can serve in glasses for a more elegant touch, or in glasses, and refrigerate for a few hours.

10. To decorate you can grate or chop pieces of chocolate and that's it! A delicious mousse based on chocolate and wine to close a wonderful meeting with a flourish.

Chocolate Mousse

Data to consider

According to the ingredients you use, you can vary the flavor of the presentation, so you should consider the following:

  • You can tell a big difference between dark chocolate and milk chocolate.

  • Even, according to the taste of the wine, if it is more sweet or bitter, it will also give a different contribution to the dessert.

  • To serve, you can place some chopped fruits in a container to soak in wine.

  • You can add it at the end along with the grated chocolate. Make it separately so it doesn't dissolve.

Now, you have all the data you need to make this a special dessert during your parties.

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La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

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