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Churros with stuffed puff pastry

Churros are widely consumed especially at snack time. These fried doughs dipped in sugar and accompanied by the sweet of your choice, are a true delight.


One of the advantages of preparing this recipe for stuffed puff pastry churros is that you do not need a further procedure or very elaborate ingredients. Placing them as a base for breakfast or as snacks, they will revolutionize the palate of your guests.

So don't wait any longer and know the step by step of this fascinating recipe that you will not be able to miss.


  • Powdered sugar

  • 2 sheets of puff pastry

  • 1 pinch of nutmeg

  • 500 milliliters of whole milk

  • 80 grams of sugar

  • 50 grams of pastry flour

  • 10 grams of vanilla sugar

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 egg yolks

Step by step of the churros with stuffed puff pastry

  • To start, place a little flour on a flat surface and take the flexible dough to spread it with the help of a rolling pin.

  • It is important that it is very thin, so that it does not grow so much when it is baked.

  • Preheat the oven to 180 °C while you shape the dough.

  • We roll out the dough.

  • Use cylinder molds or a very thin glass so that you can take the shape and measurements of the rest of the dough.

  • Do not forget to wrap the base with aluminum so that it does not sin, on this, shape the dough.

  • Now, bake for 10 minutes. Begin preparing the filling.

  • For this, we have thought of a pastry cream. What you should do is place the milk in a pot, setting aside a glass to dissolve the flour in due course.

  • Add the sugar and wait for it to boil. At the same time, sift the flour and dissolve it in the glass of milk that you have set aside.

  • Add the flour, stirring constantly and as it thickens add the nutmeg.

  • Remove from the heat and add the eggs while stirring so that they set.

  • Bring to the fire again and cook until the cream thickens. If you like, you can add a little lemon zest or anise.

  • Remove from the heat and wait for the cream to cool. After 10 minutes, remove the churros from the oven and let cool. Once they are at room temperature it is time to assemble the churros.

  • Cover the nozzle so that the filling does not come out and with a spoon add the cream inside. Take the churro by one end, insert the nozzle and fill each one. Try to leave in this position until the cream cools completely and does not come off.

To serve just sprinkle a little with icing sugar and here they are! Some churros with puff pastry filled and ready to taste.

It is very quick to make and in no time you will have a delicious snack to enjoy.

Accompany your Churros with fruits and chocolate.

Some savory versions

Even if you dare, or you are one of those who like to combine salty with sweet, I have an interesting proposal for you.

You can prepare some sautéed vegetables or a paté of the meat of your choice to fill them and thus serve at dinner or breakfast.

The options are multiple, and you are the one who decides. Go ahead and prepare these delicacies, so you can see that you will not be able to stop making them.

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La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

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