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Margarita cocktail with strawberry flavor

Strawberry margarita cocktail.

This drink is considered a Mexican classic , although the place Where it came from is not known for sure, the Strawberry-flavored Margarita Cocktail is the variant that we bring you this time.

The strawberry flavored margarita is a refreshing option for hot days, it almost always has a place in any bar, restaurant or canteen.

The preparation of the margarita cocktail includes tequila, triple sec and lime or lemon juice in its original version. This can be done in all bars, from those that have great creations on their bar to the most austere.

Origin of the Margarita cocktail

Being a Mexican classic, its origin is still under discussion, because it is not known for sure where the drink came from.

Some say that in Ciudad Juárez and others in Baja California and just as there are those who assure that it was in Tijuana and Rosario where it arose.

There is a story that states that it was in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, where she was named after a lady with that name that she had her appearance.

While other sources claim that for the first time in the El Paso Juárez area the ingredients were mixed at the Tommy Place bar, by Francisco Morales who left the bar when he became a United States citizen.

Just as there are those who say it was, in the city of Ensenada, in Baja California, Mexico, this is the most popular version of its origin, but even there, the credit of its origin is disputed between Cantina Hussong's and El Bar Andaluz Antiguo. Casino Riviera.

Variant of this refreshing drink.

Known Variants of the Margarita Cocktail

Among the most prepared variants of this drink are orange and mango, all of them have emerged from the classic drink.

This cocktail allows you to use practically any fruit you can think of in its preparation, so you can customize it.

We will share with you so that you can enjoy a variation of this cocktail that, unlike the original, has strawberries. And its result is truly one of the most dazzling margarita cocktail recipes.


  • 120 milliliters of tequila liquor sec.

  • 60 milliliters orange liqueur.

  • 1 unit of lemon.

  • 20 units of strawberries.

  • 60 grams sugar.

  • ¼ cup of sugar to frost.

  • 1 glass of crushed ice.

Ingredient that distinguishes the drink.

How do you prepare?

  1. The first thing is to wash and place the strawberries in the freezer for 1 hour.

  2. Take out the lemon juice and pass it around the glass or Martini glass.

    Then on a plate add the sugar and place the two cups and/or glasses upside down to achieve the frosting.

  3. Frosty Martini glasses. Pour frozen strawberries, sugar and ice into a blender. Blend for 60 seconds or until the frappe-like mixture is formed.

  4. Add the liquor and mix 3 more seconds.

Now pour the margarita cocktail liquid into the glasses. If you wish, you can use two sliced strawberries to garnish the drink, along with a mint leaf.

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