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Tips to eliminate varicose veins without resorting to medical treatments

Varicose veins are inflamed veins, which in addition to giving a bad appearance, those who suffer from it suffer from discomfort and pain. To combat them you have effective medical treatments, however, you can also opt for practices outside the office.

Although it does not hurt to turn to a specialist, in all cases, they suggest certain changes in the daily routine. Since several of the home solutions for this, it is to face the trigger of varicose veins in the opposite way.

If you want to be one step ahead in terms of this problem, you cannot fail to apply each of the tips that I show you here.

Practical tips to eliminate varicose veins

Practical tips to eliminate varicose veins

Whether you have varicose veins or want to prevent them, these tips will help you get rid of them. Just keep in mind that their effectiveness will depend on the consistency in which they are performed.

Healthy diet

Mainly, one of the risk factors when suffering from varicose veins is being overweight. This is because the negative effects of fats impact the functioning of our body, and specifically our heart and blood system.

Fat, together with weight, increases blood pressure, therefore, the pressure in the affected veins increases and becomes evident.

On the other hand, many of the foods we consume have a high level of salt, which is why sodium generates an increase in fluid retention, and consequently, varicose veins increase.

If you want to eliminate varicose veins, I recommend you start reducing this type of food, and integrate products rich in potassium into your diet, since it acts to reduce fluid retention.

In addition, foods that contain flavonoid properties, since they improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure.

In this sense, the foods that you should implement are the following:

  • Pistachios and almonds.

  • Potato.

  • Salmon, Perch or Fresh Tuna.

  • White beans and lentils.

  • Green vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, among others.

  • Onions.

  • Peppers.

  • Citrus and red fruits.

  • Garlic.


One of the problems that trigger varicose veins is the lack of exercise, since standing or sitting for a long time influences the stagnation of blood in the veins.

On the other hand, it also adds to the problems of being overweight and poor circulation. Each affecting the veins and increasing pain.

By trying to exercise, we are continually generating movement, which prompts our blood system to pump blood in the right direction.

In turn, this has an impact on lowering blood pressure, which benefits the veins.

You don't need to make a drastic change in your life by engaging in high-impact sports, especially if you're past the 50-year mark. Since simple but continuous exercises like walking, swimming, yoga, or cycling can greatly reduce way the effect of varicose veins.

wear light clothing

It is well known that heels are an important factor in the appearance of varicose veins, however, so are very tight clothing.

The reason is that both clothes and heels force the body by putting pressure, which affects the good flow of blood.

In this sense, the best thing you can do to avoid or help eliminate varicose veins is to wear light clothing, it can be tight, but not pressured.

In turn, replace the heels with flat or anatomical shoes, and you will see the difference in weeks.

elevated legs

If varicose veins are present in the legs; this being the most common, you should try to keep your legs elevated for a certain time.

Being in one position for many hours immediately affects the flow of blood to the heart, so if you raise your legs above it, the pressure in the veins in this area decreases, as you run effortlessly in the right direction.

Practice it during your breaks, or if you have to sit for long hours, place them equally high with the help of a support that does not distract you from your work.

stimulating massages

Whether you have a therapeutic massage session, or want to do it yourself, these will be a great practice to stimulate your blood flow.

By performing gentle massages, preferably with oils or moisturizing cream, in the area with varicose veins, circulation is activated, helping to reduce their size.

It is recommended that the massage is applied to the skin and not exerting pressure on the veins, since they are exposed and the skin layer is very weak.

Infusions of medicinal plants to eliminate varicose veins

Horse chestnut to eliminate varicose veins

We cannot deny that nature provides good resources for our well-being, among which we can find medicinal plants that help eliminate varicose veins.

Whether through oils or infusions, its properties promote good circulation and reduce inflammation.

One of the most recognized for its contributions is horse chestnut, which, backed by studies, offers a great response against pain and elimination of varicose veins.

However, this is not the only plant that you can get in natural medicine stores, since you can choose between:

  • witch hazel

  • Yarrow.

  • Horse tail.

  • Dried cranberries.

  • sea pine.

  • Rucus.

Keep in mind that like any plant, it must be taken with caution, because although they have favorable effects on varicose veins, if you have any other condition, it can alter it.

For this reason, it is advisable to study its properties well, and consult with your trusted doctor.

Each of these tips are a key defense and help eliminate varicose veins. It is recommended that you apply them all in your daily routine, because their individual effect, by itself, will not have weight, but when you apply them equally, you will see a drastic increase in your improvement.

However, keep in mind that this is not a magic formula for all cases, so if your varicose vein problem is already very advanced, the best thing you can do is go see your doctor, and apply these tips to help in the process.

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