Healthy blackberry pie
Thanks to gastronomic advances, great traditional desserts can be replicated, but they are so much sugar or with the traditional wheat flour. Above all, for those people who suffer from any condition.
This time I wanted to get out of the routine, but with a very new version of a classic one such as blackberry pie. This dessert will not require an oven, so it will be very quick to prepare.

The advantage of this preparation is that it serves as the basis for many combinations of excellent flavor, but that adapts better to your tastes. Although it seems impossible, it is possible to make a cold dessert.
What do you need?
1 can of condensed milk,
100 grams of butter,
350 grams of blackberry,
1 package of Maria cookies,
½ glass of lemon juice,
3 sachets of unflavored gelatin,
1 can of half cream,
2 packages of cream cheese,
1 spoon of vanilla.
Step by step of the elaboration
1. As in previous cases we are going to start by making the base. In this case, it is necessary to crush the Maria cookies very well.
2. When they are well crumbled, we take them to the mold where they will be and add the melted butter.
Make sure the butter is not so hot to avoid burns. It should be to the point where it can be tampered with.
The mold may well be made of aluminum and refractory glass. You can even do it in aluminum trays as to set portions.
3. Help yourself with a paddle or spoon spread the butter with the cookies all over the mold.
You can just leave it on the base or if you prefer, cover the walls of the mold as well.
4. In a glass of water, place the three gelatin sachets to hydrate.
5. Now, in the blender we add only 100 grams of the blackberries, cream, cream cheese, vanilla, lemon juice, condensed milk and hydrated gelatin.
6. Blend for a few seconds until the preparation is well blended.
Regarding lemon juice, you can have a little more lemon juice if you notice that the mixture has not reached the thickness you want.
7. Once ready, you can add to the base of butter and cookies. Make sure the preparation is spread correctly.
8. Then, put it in the fridge for an hour or so.
9. While the preparation is compacted, we chop the rest of the blackberries into squares.
10. When the first hour is over, take out the pie and decorate with the chopped blackberries. And put it back in the freezer for another hour.
At your service…
To present you can chop the portions into triangles.
You can accompany it with other syrups such as chocolate or strawberry that contrast well. Remember that you can make them yourself at home.
Even a jam or blackberries in syrup is a great alternative.
As you can see, it is possible to prepare a pie without an oven and without large amounts of processed sugars.
This super-fresh and delicious pie is great to accompany in the afternoon or at the end of dinner. Try to take out when serving.
This base can be used to place all kinds of fruit that you can include when blending or when creating a top layer.
Remember that the lemon with the condensed milk is what makes the mixture thicken, if you leave it too watery it may not set in the fridge.
Considering this, you can choose to complement with orange, strawberries or even egg meringue at the tip of the snow, it will give it a great flavor.
If you liked this recipe, try to create a personal recipe with this base and tell us how it worked for you. Or if you prefer, start by following the recipe and then let creativity fly.