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The benefits of hyaluronic acid go beyond aesthetics

Hyaluronic acid treatment continues to evolve to other layers

Hyaluronic acid is a favorable and harmless substance for the body when it is acquired exogenously. Thanks to its properties, it has benefited not only the field of aesthetics, but medicine in general.

Different studies have shown and supported that its use is more than safe. In fact, a large part of this organic compound is produced in the human body, favoring its absorption in a better way.

What is hyaluronic acid? Reviewing your key details

It is an organic component that is produced endogenously within the human being. Large numbers of specialized cells are responsible for its creation in areas such as the skin, joints, vitreous humor (eye), heart, lungs and more.

On the other hand, it is characterized by its ability to absorb and retain water, which represents a favorable condition for the body. As a result, it preserves the correct hydration and lubrication of impact areas or areas exposed to external factors.

Hyaluronic acid is vital for hydration and lubrication of certain areas of the body

Likewise, an average 70 kilogram human is predicted to have 15 grams of hyaluronic acid. Although it sounds little, it is enough to maintain a balance in the areas where it is synthesized.

It is important to note that, as time passes, aging decreases the deposits of this element. So that's where hyaluronic acid-based therapies, treatments, and supplements come in.

What is hyaluronic acid for? What the experts say

Undoubtedly, hyaluronic acid is the basis of many cosmetic treatments today. But, beyond that scoop, it also fulfills an important servitude in the development of human physiology:

  1. At the skin level, it leads the balance of fluids in each of its layers. Absorbs and retains water to promote hydration so that elasticity, turgor and mobility are not lost.

  2. In relation to the skeletal system, it is concluded that hyaluronic acid integrates the structure of the synovial fluid. In other words, it is advantageous for the proper functioning of the joints and bones.

  3. The anatomy of the heart also benefits from this element, specifically in its tendon muscles and valves. From your hand, the elasticity and firmness in movements are protected.

  4. With regard to the male reproductive system, hyaluronic acid is essential for its volume. The tunica albuginea, the corpora cavernosa and spongy of the penis take advantage of its usefulness.

  5. It is present in what corresponds to vision, participating among the "ingredients" of the vitreous humor. An area of high relevance for the physiology of sight to be carried out without problems.

The usefulness of hyaluronic acid from a physiological perspective is essential. However, its application in an exogenous and therapeutic way is called to complement its deficiency.

As already indicated, aging is the main enemy of this organic compound. At some point, its use as a therapeutic method will be appropriate not only from the aesthetic field, but from the general one.

Clinical uses of hyaluronic acid

The qualities of hyaluronic acid have promoted it as a key element in the treatment of degenerative pathologies of the skeletal system. At the same time, it is indicated in the recovery of athletes, dental therapies and care of the urinary system.

Osteoarthritis or arthrosis

A joint is formed by the harmony between bones, cartilage, synovial capsule, tendons and muscle. The bones are separated from each other by cartilaginous tissue and cushioned by the capsule or synovium.

In osteoarthritis, the cartilage present at the opposite ends of each bone is diminished and degenerated. Therefore, it causes friction, pain, and lack of mobility over time.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative pathology that can be treated with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid, through specialized infiltrative sessions, regenerates damaged cartilage tissue. Subsequently, it improves the patient's symptoms as a palliative method for the disease. As if that were not enough, it restores the synovial fluid if it is at the limit.

High impact sports

Athletes subject their body to high-level physical activity that can affect their health. Skeletal and muscular injuries are frequent with functional overload being disproportionate or there is no good care.

The recovery process goes through different procedures, one of them being the hyaluronic acid treatment. It helps to regenerate deficiencies in damaged cartilage, joint discomfort and problems associated with the muscular field.

Routine dental procedures

Routine dental procedures are prone to surgical wounds in the area of the gums and / or oral mucosa.

Given this, the specialists in the field have verified the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid.

Not only does it help to heal the area, but it moisturizes, nourishes and regenerates the affected area of the mucosa. In another vein, it is an efficient therapy against dysfunction linked to the temporomandibular joint.

Pathologies such as interstitial cystitis

Cystitis is the medical term for inflammation and infection of the urinary bladder. However, when it is interstitial, its origin is multifactorial and goes beyond simple bacterial colonization.

In essence, it is secondary to long-term damage to the epithelium (tissue) of the bladder. As a consequence, it becomes susceptible to any corrosive or infectious agent until it triggers the characteristic symptoms.

The application of hyaluronic acid contributes to the reduction of clinical manifestations. It establishes the pH balance, regenerates the damaged epithelium and restores the normal faculties of the bladder epithelium.

Aesthetic uses cannot be put aside

Among the uses of hyaluronic acid, the aesthetic variant is the most exploited to date. Its rejuvenating properties fight the passing of years and, therefore, aging.

Cosmetic part

Many products in the cosmetic industry are manufactured based on this organic component. Its main destination is the skin where it acts as a moisturizing and regenerating agent.

Hyaluronic acid is well absorbed through the skin, penetrating into its deeper layers. In short, it leads to the preservation of the thickness, elasticity, texture and all the intrinsic characteristics of the dermis.

With its correct periodic use, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles and the famous expression lines. It is precisely this premise that has made this element such a popular therapy.

Aesthetic medicine

Infiltrations with hyaluronic acid are progressively dethroning the reign of botulinum toxin. Botox, since its adoption as an aesthetic measure, was responsible for multiple aesthetic treatments, but with a variety of adverse effects.

Due to the harmless nature of hyaluronic acid, it is handled as a lip filler and wrinkle reduction. Fine lines are also addressed by this treatment with great long-term success.

Hyaluronic acid injections are safe and a plus for facial care

Its mechanism of action consists in stimulating the activity of specialized cells called fibroblasts. Their function is to ensure the integrity of the skin and all its intrinsic characteristics.

On the other hand, it increases the production of collagen to protect the superficial layers of it. In short, a more than miraculous therapy for those who wish to recover years of youth.

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Estudiante de Medicina. Redactor SEO, creador y diseñador de contenido para redes sociales con más de 3 años de experiencia.

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