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How to know if there is a narcissist at home?

How to know if there is a narcissist at home?

Surely you have heard the term narcissist, and there is a vague concept in your mind about what it represents. But don't worry, it is not a contagious disease, but it does negatively affect those who suffer from it and those around them.

Narcissism deals with a psychological conflict, which influences people's behavior, and because most do not know how to identify it, it goes unnoticed.

Over time, it becomes a serious problem if it is not detected and treated early.

Possibly, many of the conflicts you struggle with daily at home come from living with a narcissist. And for this reason, here we will teach you everything you need to know about this problem, and how to identify if someone inside or outside your family nucleus suffers from it.

Let's clarify what a narcissist is

Narcissism is a personality disorder, where those who suffer from it have an extreme concept of self -worth, coming to consider themselves superior to others. They have an excessive demand for attention and develop very low levels of empathy.

They feel a great admiration for themselves, they seek to be the center of attention in all the environments where they develop, and they think that everyone should feel pleased to enjoy their company.

It is usual to see that those who suffer from this disorder also skillfully use manipulation, and that they have a disposition to control people.

What causes it?

From the biological lens, narcissistic people, in the left insula of the brain, have less gray matter, which affects their level of empathy and similar actions.

On the other hand, there are several foci that trigger the appearance of the disorder, and these are the most common.

Parental conflicts

Those who grow up with divorced parents, whom they see sporadically and inconstantly, may develop this disorder as a means of defense. It also happens when living in the environment of a marriage, with constant conflicts.

Unbalanced admiration and recognition

It is healthy to pamper a child and recognize his achievements, but this cannot be constant and excessive, since it will distort his self-concept.

Boys who are never corrected and taught to own up to their failures easily develop the problem.

Compliments are another point that should be handled with care, extolling a child's physical appearance or talents too regularly has very negative effects on their mental health.

trauma and abuse

Those who have experienced episodes of abuse or traumatic events may be inclined to suffer alterations in their personality, which leads them to narcissistic behavior. The most common cases are those involving sexual or psychological abuse in childhood.

imitate behaviors

In the growth process it is learned and imitated, and if there is the presence of a narcissist in the environment, this behavior will most certainly be copied. This aspect occurs mostly if the behavior is possessed by one of the parental figures.

How does a narcissist behave?

narcissistic behavior

Despite all the bad aspects that we have already mentioned, many narcissists hide their behavior excellently in society. But, here I show you a small list of characteristics, detailed about their behavior, so that you can identify them.

They act arrogantly

Their position is always one of superiority, they make themselves known with an imposing character, where they seek to be the ones who make the decisions and who are the representative face.

Also, they don't like to work in a team unless they are the one leading it.

They exaggerate their achievements

In the foreground they constantly talk about themselves, their achievements and abilities, and when they tell a story they tend to magnify the facts, to the point that they are out of reality.

They get angry easily

They feel so special that they cannot conceive of someone criticizing them, correcting them, ignoring them or forcing them to wait. Any of these actions can provoke in them fits of anger or violent and hostile responses.

selectively interact

They consider that they are at a higher level, therefore, they only try to relate to people who are at their level and who share their tastes. This makes them hate even their own family, their partner or the environment in which they live and work.

show callousness

They do not care about the emotions, feelings, or needs of others, their central concern is based on them. The only reason they feign empathy is when they want to get something from the other person for their own benefit.

They take great care of their image and are vain

They take care that their appearance is at the height of their ego, they take great care of their way of dressing and their physical condition. They try to have all the luxury they can, so that this makes them stand out and thus presume that they have the best, they even lie to appear.

Treatment and consequences

Therapy to deal with narcissism

The treatment is simple, the problem is basically solved in a confrontation. The individual is led to recognize that his behavior is wrong, that it is harmful to himself and the people around him.

This is done by a psychotherapist and it will take several sessions to bring about changes in the narcissist's life.

The process can be slow and extensive, since it is a behavior strongly rooted in the personality. But, if there is a good disposition, progress will be seen quickly.

As for the consequences, there are many unfavorable results for those who do not face this problem. This same one worsens with the passage of time and contaminates many aspects of your life, the most recurrent conflicts are these.

Problems establishing love relationships

The narcissist can be charming at first, but over time his true nature emerges, and this makes his relationships unsuccessful.

In most cases where they are established, the relationship is toxic and with violent tendencies.

family rejection

If the narcissist considers that his family is inferior to him, he will most likely isolate himself from it, therefore, this causes the rest of his family to despise and ignore him for his behavior.


This type of disorder is based on a giant facade, where behind it there is only a weak and emotionally vulnerable person. Susceptibility to criticism and opinions can quickly lead to states of deep depression.

suicidal tendency

When someone with this conflict sees himself in a position of failure or disrepute, he may consider, and even commit, suicide.

Their state reaches a point where they do not conceive of failing, and they may see suicide as a way out to avoid shame.

labor disputes

Since your attitude has all the characteristics that are harmful to teamwork, you will automatically be rejected by your peers. And if you are in a position of hierarchy and authority, you will create a toxic and unpleasant environment.



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