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Hormonal disorder: What is it and how to deal with it?

Hormonal Disorder: What is it and how to deal with it?

Hormonal disorder is a conflict that can affect both ladies and gentlemen, being one of the most common and imperceptible problems that we should worry about.

Hormones are a vital piece in the process of development, growth and reproduction. But, apart from these, when they are altered they can lead to serious mood problems.

Hormonal imbalances are a disease that mostly affects the female sex, and although it is not a chronic problem, it should be taken very seriously. That is why here I tell you everything you need to know about this conflict and how to deal with it.

What is a hormonal disorder?

Hormones can be defined as substances produced by the endocrine glands that are responsible for going through the body giving it information. In simple terms, they indicate to each organ, member and tissue, what is the development action that they must execute.

The imbalance occurs when some hormone is produced incorrectly, being its flow greater or less than required. In short, the body does not receive correct orders, it is the equivalent of making a formula with the wrong measurements.

This poor production of hormones brings with it unwanted results in terms of weight, height, mood, among others. At certain stages of life, as you age, hormone levels naturally vary, but in this case it is not serious.

What are the symptoms of hormonal imbalance?

There are a lot of different hormones at work in our system, carrying chemical messages at the same time. According to the variation in the production of some of them, the most common symptoms in men or women are the following.

  • Uncontrolled weight loss or gain.

  • Uncontrolled heart rate (sudden increase or decrease).

  • Loss of sexual appetite.

  • Increased sensitivity to cold or hot temperatures.

  • Failure in the corresponding height.

  • Disorderly and inconstant menstruation cycle.

  • Frequent headaches.

  • Erectile dysfunction.

  • Breast development in men (gynecomastia).

  • Unbalanced muscle mass.

  • Lack of body hair.

  • Sudden and unexplained depression and mood swings.

These are the most frequent symptoms, but there are many other physical manifestations, which may indicate that there is a problem with the production of hormones in the body.

Why is it more difficult to detect the problem in men?

Hormonal failures occur regularly, but in men, it is often more difficult to detect that they are experiencing an imbalance.

The reasons for a delay in the execution of a diagnosis in men are the following.

body alarms

There is a specific symptom that quickly sets off alarms in women, and this is menstruation, since when a delay occurs, it automatically makes them alert. Since gentlemen don't have this symptom, they don't tend to worry too much.

Men, in general, may present some symptom, but they do not give it great importance, unlike women, who are mostly more attentive to any change or bodily alteration.

Medical visits

It is shown that the majority of men are not the most likely to undergo medical consultations or check-ups. They often go to a hospital or clinic only when the situation requires it or if they feel they are at real risk.

Therefore, visiting the urologist or having some other hormonal check-up is not something that is rushed in your plans. Unlike the ladies who regularly visit the gynecologist and carry out various check-ups that throw up if there is any kind of conflict.

modesty and complexes

Not many gentlemen feel comfortable talking about their intimate feelings. On the contrary, they may feel weak when admitting that they have a decrease in their sexual desire or some other fault that indicates some deterioration in their body or with respect to their sexuality.

Symptoms such as erectile dysfunction or gynecomastia can make the affected person feel great shame, and therefore, they do not want to admit that they have a problem. This causes the hormonal problem to persist and its diagnosis and care is much later.

Causes of hormonal disorder

Causes of hormonal disorder

There are many factors that can cause hormonal imbalance, below, I present the most common causes that produce them.

  • Drugs: The administration of some drugs to treat pathologies or other bodily conditions, can have as a secondary effect the alteration in the production of some hormones.

  • Stress: A high brain load caused by stress becomes the trigger for hormonal imbalance.

  • Tumors: Whether benign or malignant, these often tend to affect the hormonal system. Hormonal failure can be understood as an alarm signal about them.

  • Pregnancy and menopause: In these two specific stages in a woman's life, it is very normal for these disorders to appear due to the entire flow of alterations that her body experiences.

What to do with a hormonal imbalance?

To treat a hormonal disorder, it is necessary to determine specifically which hormone is failing, and if it is due to a greater or lesser production. For this, it will be essential for a professional to evaluate the case through some medical tests.

The next action will be to level the hormone to its corresponding state. This is done mostly with the application of drugs that stabilize production, progressively working on the symptoms of the affected individual.

Another way to deal with hormonal conflicts is by relying on natural medicine, and some disciplines that are often very useful, such as yoga. The application of certain exercises helps depending on the factor that causes the disorder.

Hormones can create chaos in our body if they are not kept under control, affecting us not only physically, but also psychologically, so it is advisable to be very attentive to any symptoms and have regular check-ups.


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