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How to put together a healthy lunch to take to school?

Balanced and fun meals.

If you have children and adolescents of school age, surely this information is for you. Many times, as mothers, we have asked ourselves, what foods do I include in their breakfasts? Is that really a good amount or should you eat more?

Certainly, guidance is not received in this regard and many of us sin by incorporating a commercial snack, which may not have the necessary nutrients to feed our little one, in this between academic time.

Learn how to put together a healthy lunch to take to school, with the instructions that the experts have given.

How to put together a healthy lunch to take to school?

incorporate fruits

Some of the most commercial fruits that occur almost all year round are: apples, bananas, pears, oranges or tangerines. This is due to their easy access and because they preserve very well in the lunch box, as long as they are not opened.

You can incorporate them as juice or whole. The second way is better, since the child will receive all the nutrients and fibers that these foods can provide.

Main dish

It must be considered that the student days can be up to 8 hours, according to the institution and the type of study. This implies wear and more, if sports activities are included in the process. This requires the young person to eat something substantial.

In this sense, the main course by experience is the sandwich. This type of dish is one of the freshest that can be eaten.

If you are not convinced, remember that the food must be prepared early and is not eaten at the moment, so you should look for another dish that can be eaten cold and retains its good flavor over time.

Some cheese sandwiches, with nuts, ham and other types of protein, are a great option. Also, you can choose between some roasted empanadas, some tequeños filled with protein, some cakes or something salty.

You could say that this is the main dish item. Keep in mind that the idea is not only to place food in large quantities, but a little of everything so that the diet is complete.

How to assemble healthy food.

a little sweet

They can be granola bars, pudding, nougat or commercial cookies. You have to keep that all products are food, you just have to evaluate the portion that is ingested. Since the idea is not to eat just one thing, it is not worth putting too much of anything.

The amounts must be proportional, since if not, the child will not eat everything and the idea is that he eats a little of everything. So consider putting out two or three cookies or half of the package of sweet things.

If you decide to place cookies, look for those that do not have filling or, as they are commercially sold, natural.

This is because although the cookie is quite healthy, the filling is usually loaded with many sugars, which are the ones that affect health if consumed in large quantities. You can get them coconut, vanilla, chocolate, among others.

Other options

If for some reason, the food you have is not very big, do not worry, you can make combinations. Such is the case of fruit flans or sweet desserts. Of course, make sure that it does not have large amounts of refined sugar and that the pieces of fruit are placed as whole as the recipe admits.

A chalk with a sandwich or empanada. A jelly with fruit and some tequeños. Another factor, which can influence the choice of food, is the food.

If they do not resist the liquid much, it may be better to place the whole fruit and the empanada. In these cases, creativity will do magic in feeding your little one.

Healthy food.

It is not necessary that you invest large amounts of money, but you do need to be able to locate the necessary foods in each meal to make snacks a dish that strengthens, not only the now, but the future of the child.

This is the importance of seeking a better complete and balanced diet, from an early age. Go ahead and improve your children's diet with these simple tips.

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