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Medicinal herbs: What are they? and What are they for?

A way to heal naturally.

If you are thinking of medicinal herbs as components of good health, then let me tell you that you have come to a good place; I will teach you the properties of these plants, and how they can help you relieve pain.

The world is constantly evolving, every day laboratories manage to design more and more medicinal formulas that help the population to counteract the symptoms of a large number of diseases.

Medicinal herbs

What are they for?

Before talking about the use of these plants , it is important to be aware that despite being a natural alternative, caution should be exercised with the doses administered, taking into account the age, sex and pathology of the patient.

Since these are not tested like drugs and there is no exact dose, so they should be consumed with caution.

With this clear, let's start talking about the wonderful contributions that they generate to our health and our body.

As has been mentioned, medicinal plants are all those that can be used to help:

  1. Prevent diabetes

  2. Relieve pain symptoms

  3. Relieve stress

  4. Increase energy

  5. Lose weight

  6. Relax

  7. Prevent a cold

In recent years, these plants have gained a lot of strength thanks to the benefits they have shown on people's health.

So much so that the World Health Organization, pointed out as a point of attention in its Strategic Plan from 2014 to 2023, the importance for the world to support the use of natural medicine in each of the health systems of the countries members of the organization.

The use of herbs is known worldwide as herbal medicine. Phytotherapy is nothing more than the use of medicinal plants that have properties or positive effects on people's health.

Which are good for diabetes?

Controlling blood sugar levels is not an easy task, as it requires a lot of dedication and perseverance, especially in the current reality, where it is increasingly easy to opt for processed foods that do not provide great benefits to our health.

This is why eating a healthy diet in combination with good habits and the use of natural herbs has become a healthy lifestyle that not everyone is willing to take.

However, for those people who suffer from diabetes or are pre-diabetic, leading a healthy lifestyle is no longer an option because if they want to control this metabolic problem, this is their best option.

What should be clear is that each organism and especially each diagnosis is different.

Some cases are more complex than others and many of them are not solved only with good habits and the use of natural herbs, but these become a general treatment complement, hence the importance of always having the opinion of the specialist.

Without further ado, these are some of the plants that can help you alleviate and prevent diabetes: Cranberry leaves, Chia, Green tea, Ginseng, Fenugreek or alhova, Corn, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Garlic, Artichoke, Burdock, Watercress, Herb of St. Peter, Stevia, Brewer's yeast, Walnut, Olive and Sage.

The vast majority of these medicinal plants are in common use and we can get them practically anywhere in the world, some should be consumed as tea or infusion and many others such as chia and stevia we simply must include them in our day to day life.

Medicinal plants and their incredible properties

There are many properties that phytotherapy offers us, and one of the most outstanding is that the vast majority of these plants are considered the best antibiotics that can be found.

They are also highly recognized for their anticoagulant properties, they are antibacterial, antioxidant, analgesic, excellent as a digestive treatment, they are stimulant, expectorant and antiseptic.

And in addition to the aforementioned, they are: astringent, balsamic, excellent healing, highly purifying, excellent to be used as a tonic.

These are some of the properties of medicinal herbs, so if you haven't included them in your lifestyle, don't wait any longer and take the step that you won't regret.

Written by

Venezolana, Ingeniero Civil con 9 años de experiencia, Redactora de contenidos web. Temas de Interés: ingeniería, ciencia, salud, politica, entre otros.

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