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How to treat atopic dermatitis

If your child has atopic dermatitis, or even if you suffer from it yourself, you have surely wondered many times what is the most effective way to treat it.

This skin condition that generates eczema and itching can become quite annoying if you do not take the proper measures.

From diet, to the use of natural or pharmaceutical treatments, whichever is most effective for you, everything is key to treating atopic dermatitis, and here we compile all the important information for you to overcome this condition.

What is the atopic dermatitis?

It is an inflammatory disease of the skin, which generates dryness, redness, cracking.

It can occur in both children and adults, but it is more common in children, in fact, 1 in 20 children suffers from it, it is also known as eczema, its development is similar to that of an allergy, that is why it generates inflammation, it is chronic, that is to say, it will be presented in the long term.

Depending on the time of year, the hydration status of the skin, among other factors, dermatitis can improve or worsen, the key is to follow a treatment.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis

For the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis, strenuous laboratory tests are not required, in general, doctors base their diagnosis on the symptoms that patients present, the most common are:

  • Extremely dry skin.

  • Presence of eczema.

  • Intense itching

  • Fissures accompanied by blood.

  • Thickening of the skin.

However, depending on the severity of the condition, certain medical studies may be required.

How can atopic dermatitis be treated?

In the treatment of atopic dermatitis, the restoration of the epidermal barrier is the objective, and in this case, there are various treatments that can be effective.


You can buy creams in pharmacies to control itching, inflammation and repair the skin.

In general, specialists usually recommend corticosteroid creams or ointments, however it is important not to abuse the use of these because it has a side effect of thinning the skin.

Creams that contain calcineurin inhibitors are also effective for treating skin conditions, but they are only recommended for children over two years of age, and it is necessary to avoid sun exposure when using them.

Some specialists prescribe antibiotic creams, in case the patient has an ulcer, a crack, that has become infected. He may even prescribe oral antibiotics.

In critical cases, oral corticosteroids, for example prednisone, may be prescribed.


In addition to the medical treatments that we have discussed, you can also control the symptoms of atopic dermatitis using therapies such as:

Phototherapy, when the patient does not present any type of improvement with a topical treatment such as those mentioned above, the use of phototherapy is recommended.

This consists of exposing the skin to a certain amount of natural light, although ultraviolet light is also implemented. Its use must be controlled by an expert, to avoid causing problems such as skin aging.

Wet bandages, for cases of severe atopic dermatitis, the therapy that consists of wrapping the affected area with topical corticosteroids and moist bandages is recommended.

This treatment is usually applied by specialists in a healthcare center, due to the expertise required to achieve the bandage.

Natural treatments for atopic dermatitis

There is a wide variety of natural treatments against atopic dermatitis that you can use as a complement to those that your doctor has prescribed, we leave you some of the best options.

1. Aloe vera gel

One of the most common uses for this healing plant is the relief of eczema, thanks to its healing and antibacterial properties. Both properties are excellent to help you alleviate the symptoms of dermatitis, for its use, you just have to.

  • Extract the gel from the plant.

  • Apply it directly on the most affected areas.

2. Coconut oil

It contains fatty acids that help keep the skin hydrated, generate the necessary moisture to keep it soft, preventing cracks, it also helps to improve the skin barrier and prevent inflammatory processes.

  • Apply the cold-pressed coconut oil to your skin.

  • Use it after every bath.

  • Also apply it before going to bed.

3. Honey

Honey is a natural antibacterial, in addition to working as an anti-inflammatory, that is why its use in the treatment of various skin wounds dates back centuries, studies have shown that honey is effective in fighting dermatitis.

— Rub a little honey on the area most affected by atopic dermatitis.

4. Make changes to your diet

Some foods can help to generate or reduce skin inflammation, which is why specialists recommend that if you suffer from dermatitis, or have a child with this condition, pay special attention to diet. Among the foods that you can consume if you have dermatitis, because they are anti-inflammatory, we can mention:

  • Beans.

  • Fish.

  • Vegetables.

  • Colorful fruits.

  • Cinnamon.

  • Vegetables.

For its part, the foods that you should exclude from the daily diet because they are inflammatory are:

  • Dairy products.

  • Soy.

  • Wheat.

  • Eggs.

Keeping a diary of your daily diet, as well as using a medical treatment, hand in hand with a natural treatment to relieve atopic dermatitis will generate positive effects.

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Graduada universitaria (Profesora de Ciencias) y redactora de páginas webs y nichos desde hace más de 6 años.

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