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7 common myths in the gym

Few moments motivate our spirit more than those first days in the gym, we go for a goal and we all start 100% sure that we will not abandon until we reach our objectives. Whether it is lowering a few kilos or developing an enviable physical form.

It is important to review the caloric deficit before believing and applying these "tricks", nutritionists recommend not following these tips that could involve health risks.

Beyond that some people leave on the road, it is important to know the 7 most common myths that beginners believe (and some that are not so) when they start this challenge.

Take note and optimize your time in the gym, with our 7 common myths in the gym.

Myth #1 Believe that just doing a lot of abs will end up developing the "chocolate "

It is called chocolate, six pack or pictures, to that shape that take the abdominals similar to the squares in a bar of chocolate, defined and hard, always attractive.

But the truth is that this does not work well, if you are overweight and only devote yourself to abdominals, you may not reach this goal.

To achieve that shape it is necessary to burn a lot of fat, and this is not achieved "only "with crunches, these are important but you have to use routines and a plan that could include diet (depending on the person's overweight), to be able to burn fat in an integral way in your body and only in that line, you will see the difference gradually in your abs.

Myth #2 Thinking that you do not burn fat until you have half an hour training

It does not work that way, since you are doing the first aerobic exercises you are burning fat, there is no such thing as a time rule that defines this and, if there was some time to burn fat, you would never reach half an hour unless you feel like exercising. the view, any exercise you do will have its impact, more or less in this line.

What is certain is that our body will be at the top of its metabolism when we are close to 70% of our maximum cardiac capacity, but we must always attend to the circle that is formed between your physical form, exercise and the fat you burn.

The better you have physical fitness, the more quickly you reach the optimal moment or peak of your metabolism and the more fats you will burn.

Myth #3 Sugar water to fight stiffness

We call stiffness to that kind of throbbing, very sharp and somewhat painful, that occur in our muscles after physical exercise with a certain intensity.

For some reason, the myth that drinking water with sugar before exercising could help avoid this sensation.

It is good to know that it is a myth without any sustenance and that, if you want to develop muscle mass, especially if you want to do it fast, you will have to experience the aches and pains many times in your workouts.

Myth #4 More repetitions and less weight is the secret to developing mass and defining

It is another of the myths that we can hear most in practically any type of place, websites, supposed gurus.

Totally false, the only valid thing about that subject is that by using a limited weight and working with many repetitions, we can maintain a physical form that we like, without developing mass in a grotesque way, something that some people, especially women, look for.

But for the development of muscle mass and for definition, the best advice remains the same as always, that of the old masters of intense physics, uses a lot of weight, as much as you can and works with few repetitions, just notice that you can do repetitions of more than 10 with that weight, use a slightly larger one, it is that struggle that will force your muscles to grow.

Myth #5 Carbohydrates = get fat

One of the most widespread and defended myths, you can get people who can practically swear that this is an unquestionable reality. Falsehood is in the basic premise with which it is posed.

It is not treated and it has never been about the consumption of carbohydrates, proteins or fats, it is about consuming more than what we burn, it is the excess of any food or nutrient.

Here it is good to point out a valuable tip for any diet: No good diet should suppress food or nutrients necessary for our body, one thing is to reduce exaggerated consumption and seek exercise to control weight and another is to eliminate completely factors that are necessary for the correct functioning of our body.

Myth #6 Doing cardio is making legs

No no and no! When you work on the exercise bike you are exercising, it is true and you can feel how the legs work but you are not doing it in an integral way, no matter what you decide to believe or if you think that looking at the growth of certain muscles implies a good integral work. It is not like this.

As with your arms or back, doing legs properly means working separately from certain elements, striving to get the right muscle tone with different types of exercises, in a sectioned manner, is the only way to achieve it.

Myth #7 Eating 5 0 6 times a day speeds up your metabolism

Among absurdities, we must keep a place to this assertion. The truth is that your body will not change the metabolism in that way, you can accelerate it by performing exercises routinely, that it is true, that you can do it by converting your meals in 6, 8 or 9 small mini meals a day, it is completely false.

It is important to review the caloric deficit before believing and applying these "tricks", nutritionists recommend not following these tips that could involve health risks.

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