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Damages caused by smoking: WHO data

When you have been smoking for years and years, there comes a time when your body says that it has reached this point, and little by little clear signs of the passage of time appear, with hair loss being one of the main features observed in regarding these diseases.

The World Health Organization ensures that the body is having less strength, so it gets sick as time goes by.

Recently, the World Health Organization released the following data:

Tobacco kills up to half of its users. Tobacco kills more than 8 million people every year, of which more than 7 million are users of the product and around 1.2 million are non-smokers exposed to tobacco smoke alien. Almost 80% of the more than 1 billion smokers in the world live in low- or middle-income countries. Source: World Health Organization.

Other signs of the passage of time smoking is the appearance of wrinkles, since the body is not eternal, so the skin ages, and this step occurs much faster if we are smokers, this is mainly due to wear of the proteins that give elasticity to the skin, which are weakened.

Without a doubt, one of the biggest problems we can have with regard to smoking is skin cancer, despite the fact that tobacco does not cause melanoma, if it is true that it causes skin cancer, and this is a very serious disease widespread among smokers.

There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke.

In adults, second-hand smoke causes serious cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, particularly coronary heart disease and lung cancer. Among infants, the risk of sudden death increases. In pregnant women it causes pregnancy complications and low weight of the newborn. Almost half of children normally breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke in public places. Secondhand smoke causes about 1.2 million premature deaths each year. 65,000 children die each year from diseases attributable to secondhand smoke. Source:

As we are seeing, there are many reasons that drive us to stop smoking, since our health will thank us sooner or later, because as we see, there are too many contradictions that tobacco causes us.

We only have to make an approximate expense of what we can spend throughout our lives buying tobacco, and that is when we see the figures that you can spend only in a year, or even in a lifetime, you will think twice before buy a package, and that is why you should stop smoking as soon as possible.

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Zootecnista, 7 años de experiencia veterinaria. Co-fundador de Webmediums, gestor ambiental y un apasionado por la vida #CoachEspiritual #SEO #LIVE #ElefectoFer

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