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Erotomania: have you ever heard of it?

Erotomania is a rare personality and behavior disorder that is associated with desire and love.

Personality is very malleable, so each individual is unique and different from each other. For this reason, there are behaviors or disorders such as erotomania that occur from time to time.

If you have never heard of her, don't worry, today you will satisfy that curiosity. Also, learning with us will help you identify this particular behavior in others and, who knows, maybe in yourself.

What is erotomania?

Starting from its etymology, the word erotomania comes from the ancient Greek dialect. In that sense, it is divided into “eros” which means “sexual love” or “erotic”; and “mania” which translates to “madness”.

In this way, then, erotomania is a behavior that is manifested by madness towards sexual or erotic love. However, it is not all that characterizes this disorder as such.

Broadly speaking, erotomania is that type of personality that is related to a delirium of love in all its facets. Basically, the person begins to experience an affair with other individuals, generally unattainable, famous or platonic.

For its part, erotomania is the synonym for Clérambault syndrome. The same, in short, characterizes a being who establishes and maintains a fictitious relationship with another whom he does not even know personally.

How do I know if I have erotomania? What causes it?

Erotomania is the classic presentation of delusional love with tendencies towards a toxic, harmful and degrading attitude. In addition to the definition already raised, the individual also has the belief that another person is madly in love with him.

Identifying an erotomaniac is not difficult if you pay attention to the small signs that it radiates.

Although it is not something that sounds bad in principle, the dilemma is that there is no evidence that this is true. In turn, it is usually a belief that is related to people in the artistic world, fame and the media genre in general.

By themselves, a patient may not understand that they are suffering from erotomania, but they can be quickly diagnosed. A priori, it is a disorder that is triggered or manifests secondary to another mental problem, such as schizophrenia in its initial phases.

Similarly, Clérambault Syndrome is closely linked to other psychiatric disorders such as bipolarity or psychopathies. Given this, it is not something that can simply go unnoticed.

The beginning of erotomania is characterized by harassing behavior towards another person. Then, it escalates towards the consolidation of the belief that the other is in love with the erotomaniac. Finally, it includes persistent and even privacy-invasive efforts.

How is erotomania treated?

The treatment of erotomania must be individualized and determine how aggressive the behavior of the erotomaniac is. In the first instance, it is essential that the patient understands that he suffers from this condition.

The subsequent is to locate the possible primary disorders that lead to erotomania. For example, it was previously mentioned that it is strongly rooted in schizophrenia, bipolarity and other psychopathies. Due to this, it is the psychiatrist who will be responsible for the pharmaceutical measures.

Erotomania treatment

In addition, it is essential to practice emotional detachment towards the fictitious relationship. For this, a true social contact is recommended to discern reality and minimize other behavioral risks.

Hospitalization is only reserved when the clinical picture worsens drastically. At this point, the patient becomes aggressive and kamikaze -like, requiring sedation and strict professional follow-up.

How to avoid erotomania?

  1. There is no method that perfectly indicates the prevention of erotomania. However, the key is to maintain true interpersonal relationships that enrich the day to day.

  2. Another strong point is learning about what this disorder is and the treatment for erotomania. Thanks to this, it is possible to carry out a critical self-assessment and rule out a possible diagnosis.

  3. Finally, going to the psychologist and not underestimating mental health is essential. Many people leave aside the cognitive section to focus on the physical, forgetting that it is a single entity.

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Estudiante de Medicina. Redactor SEO, creador y diseñador de contenido para redes sociales con más de 3 años de experiencia.

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