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How to prepare an apple purée?

One of the great problems of today's diet is the excessive use of white sugar.

That is why natural alternatives have been created with the help of fructose in fruits to naturally sweeten your dishes.

So I bring you this apple purée with which you can quickly sweeten your favorite dishes without having so many harmful effects on your health.

With this dietary change you can improve your physical condition and help you reduce the use of white sugar.

Apple Purée

So either wait longer and prepare this puréed delicacy to give you the sweetness you crave, as well as many more health benefits. Know all the details in the following article. Let's get started.


  • Cinnamon powder,

  • 8 apples,

  • 1 lemon

Preparation of an apple purée

1. The first thing is to wash and peel the apples very well. Do not forget to remove the center together with the seeds.

2. When you have it all ready, cut into small squares.

3. Take the apples to steam. Make a bain-marie, placing a pot with water up to half, place them matching high to bring it to a boil.

At this point, place a smaller pot, or a heat-resistant bowl, over the pot with the boiling water. Be careful not to touch the water. You can even use a stainless steel casting.

4. When you notice that the apples have become tender, they are ready. You remove from the heat and take to the blender.

5. Add the lemon juice to keep it better and the cinnamon. And that's it!

Consideration when choosing the fruit

  • Keep in mind that the more ripe the fruit the sweeter it will be.

  • The quality and vintage you have chosen also influences.

Red apples

In general, there are brands that offer a fairly large fruit, but with little taste, since at harvest they did not give it the proper nutrients. Another thing that can happen is that it is very sweet and tasty, but these are small.

In this case, you should only consider buying more apples so that the pulp is enough to create a good portion of purée.

To conserve

When the purée is ready, you should wait for it to cool very well before putting it in the fridge.

Preferably use a glass container. This after you have added the purée, you can place it in a larger container with ice water to speed up the process.

The applesauce that you just prepared will keep in good condition as long as it is refrigerated for at least 7 days.

Another way is to save in small portions so that you can freeze the rest and only have the portions you plan to use on hand. In this way, you would be extending the life of your applesauce.

How to use applesauce?

As it is a fairly moist purée, you can use it as a jam and spread it on breads, pancakes, or cookies. You can easily add some cheese or other salted foods that are sure to complement the flavor.

Also, it can help you to prepare sweet buns you can add it to drinks mixing well enough to dissolve the purée.

Benefits of applesauce

  • In addition, serving as a sweetener, the apple is loaded with large amounts of nutrients. Contains fiber to regulate intestinal circulation.

  • It is food that regulates the pH of the body because of how alkaline it is. They help to cleanse and purify the body of all toxins that usually remain.

  • They favor the maintenance of the gums and the external appearance of the teeth.

  • They control bad cholesterol and blood pressure by preventing the formation of residual fats on the walls of the arteries, thereby promoting good circulation in the body.

  • The bone density increases considerably avoiding problems of osteoporosis, fractures due to falls or age. It can be eaten by children, youth and adults so the benefit will be for the whole family.

  • In addition, it is one of the foods with the most anticancer properties due to the high levels of antioxidants that allow good cell regeneration.

If you have relatives who react to sugars or suffer from diabetes, you can easily make use of this product, since it is much easier to process than other sugars, even much more than commercial sweeteners.

As you will see, this recipe is super simple to prepare. If you are looking for a way to take care of your health, this is a great idea for you to continue enjoying sweets without affecting your health.

Remember that everything in excess is bad, but regular consumption of fruits such as Apple will allow you to enjoy a good health condition. Now you know how you can maintain your health and that of your family with this recipe for applesauce.

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La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

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