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Sleepwalkers: Everything you need to know about dealing with nightwalkers

Sleepwalkers: everything you need to know to treat nightwalkers.

Many come to think that it is a myth, stories of people who walk, talk and more, being asleep, but being a sleepwalker is a very real problem.

This problem is not considered an extremely risky disorder, but like any other, its actions interfere with the life of the sufferer. Sleepwalking is more common than is believed and a large percentage worldwide experience it.

Many questions surround the subject, is being a sleepwalker due to psychological problems? Should I wake up the sleepwalker or not? How is this disease cured? Here I clarify all these unknowns so that you know how to act, if you are or have one at home.

What is sleepwalking?

What is sleepwalking?

It can be defined as a disorder that generates alterations, in the correct execution of the sleep cycle of an individual, through physical actions performed unconsciously. Basically, it is about executing movements, such as getting up or sleepwalking.

The sleepwalker maximizes his sleep experience by making his body respond and execute certain movements that he is not aware of. This disorder is very common in children between the ages of 4 and 8, but it can also manifest itself in adults.

The manifestation of the disorder occurs in the first phase of sleep, it occurs approximately within the first 2 hours of rest. Although its exact causes are unknown, it is proven that evil can be inherited.

What does a sleepwalker do?

Many believe that sleepwalking is the only manifestation of the disorder, but the sleepwalker may possess many other characteristics. When a person is in a state of sleepwalking, I can perform the following actions:

  • Speak: When dreaming, he comes to pronounce words related to what he dreams, they also come to shout or laugh according to his type of dream.

  • Open your eyes: Not everyone gets up, some just open their eyes and reflect a fixed and lost look, which they can maintain for a long time.

  • Running: Sometimes when dreams are disturbing, the sleepwalker may suddenly get up and run in any direction.

  • Execute a habit: Actions such as going to the bathroom, go out to the garage and get into the car, or sit at the table, they manage to execute them with great ease.

  • Get up: There are those who do not walk, but only stand or sit and remain static in the same place.

  • Having sex: There have been cases where the sleepwalker has sex with his partner without being aware of it.

It is very common for the person to wake up to experience disorientation, physical fatigue, exhaustion, or pain if they were injured and do not remember anything of what happened.

Sleepwalking states can be short or even last half an hour or more, and the activities they carry out will be simple or complex according to the person and their life routines.

What causes this disorder?

A specific cause cannot be pointed out, but some studies carried out over time have linked its appearance with some factors.

One of them is that it often manifests itself in people who have some other conflict, such as sleep apnea.

Factors such as poor sleep, sleep deprivation, variable rest cycles, stress and the consumption of alcoholic or energy drinks can trigger episodes. On the other hand, it can also affect the consumption of sleeping pills or sedatives.

In the case of children, consuming foods that activate their physical state such as soft drinks, chocolate, desserts or sweets could help the appearance of episodes of sleepwalking.

What should I do if there is a sleepwalker at home?

What should I do if there is a sleepwalker at home?

When a family member has this condition, certain precautions must be taken, regardless of their age. Sleepwalkers are not to blame for their actions, so treat them kindly and do what you can to help them.

If there is a sleepwalker at home, the following applies:

Protect it from its environment

Being in a sleepwalking state ignores where you really are, so it is easy to fall, trip or hurt yourself with things in the room, even more so if it is a child. Try to keep his room tidy and without objects within reach that could hurt him.

Place security on stairs and railings, do not leave doors unlocked so that they do not leave the house, if the episode is prolonged, it is even useful to place alarms. There will always be a minimum risk factor, but the idea is to minimize it as much as possible.

Don't wake him up suddenly

To begin with, it is not so easy to wake up a sleepwalker, and doing so can lead to various reactions, from an aggressive response, to fainting or a nervous breakdown. It is best to take it calmly back to bed.

The episodes do not last too long, so in a short time you will return to your normal sleep state and can continue your rest cycle calmly. In the case of children, most stop suffering from it before they are 10 years old.

Do not make fun or tell him what happened

Taking it as a joke can hurt the affected person, especially if it is a child, you should not reproach or correct him for what happened. The person experiencing the episodes may feel strong feelings of shame and frustration at being affected by this problem.

Tell him what happened, only if there is an injury or some other major incident that requires an explanation, if it is not necessary, avoid doing so.

Is treatment required?

In the vast majority of cases, the problem only disappears with the passage of time and increasing age, but some special cases require medication. If the episodes are very prolonged, constant and dangerous, it is best to consult a doctor.

The best way to treat and prevent this problem is by trying to have a good daily sleep session, where the necessary hours of rest are met. Try to make your bedroom a safe and comfortable place that will help you sleep better.

Make an effort to control your stress levels, exercise regularly and stay away from unhealthy foods that can disturb your bedtime. If you apply all these recommendations, it will most likely be less likely that this problem will affect you.


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