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Yogurt smoothies that you will not be able to stop preparing

Yogurt shakes are already superfast and easy to make drinks that provide many nutrients and vitamins for the body.

Whether it's after physical activity or just for a treat, yogurt shakes can be a great option to share.

In the following article I bring you 5 ideas to prepare yogurt smoothies that you will not be able to stop preparing. Take note and let's get started:

Fruit smoothies

5 yogurt-based drinks very easy to make

1. Granola with yogurt

Granola is one of the most recommended foods to regulate the fiber of the intestine, and it is also great for those who like to feel the crunch of their food.

What will you need?

  • 50 grams of granola

  • 250 milliliters of yogurt

These ingredients should only be mixed for a few seconds and that's it.

In the blender you have to grind a little, when serving well you can place a layer of granola and then yogurt to finally feel the delicious taste of granola.

2. Yogurt and green tea

A perhaps innovative and unconventional style is to incorporate green tea into yogurt. For this preparation you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of milk

  • 125 milliliters of green tea

  • Sugar to taste

  • 250 milliliters of yogurt

Start by dissolving the milk in the green tea. Then add the yogurt and lastly the sugar if necessary.

And so you will have a fairly creamy version of your favorite tea. The advantage is that you can use other types of tea or infusions with which they would be very good.

Even milk can vary, whether it's skim or full. If it is complete, the safest thing is that the preparation takes a little more textures thanks to the fats it contains.

3. Yogurt, mango and papelón

Now, for those who love fruits, this could be a great recipe to try in mango season.

To prepare it, you will only have to take the pulp of a mango, 250 milliliters of yogurt and papelón to taste. Process for a few seconds and voilà.

If you prefer, you can use manga instead of mango, since it is much sweeter, and you can add the amount you want.

4. Yogurt and dulce de leche

This combination is typical of countries like Argentina. You will only mix these servings 3 of yogurt and 1 of dulce de leche.

On this occasion I recommend a natural yogurt without sugar so that the dulce de leche is the protagonist. You can scrub nuts to complement the flavor and texture of the preparation.

5. Yogurt, banana with ginger

Another very interesting smoothie with yogurt is the banana with ginger. Ginger is usually seen in infusions and is introduced in small quantities for its great flavor.

This time we are going to take advantage of all its flavor by adding a pinch of grated ginger to the banana and yogurt mixture. Don't forget to add a little sugar to balance the flavors.

Some tips to prepare natural smoothies at home

Be it for a party, a gathering of friends, an afternoon of study, or whatever, keep in mind that yogurt shakes can get you out of trouble.

Delicious healthy option.

Remember that the interesting thing about drinks is to see their content, so use transparent plastic cups or glasses that are fully visible.

For a more attractive presentation, add pieces of fruit to the edges of the glass or at the end of the glass before serving. You can do the same with nuts or granola and accompany them with a spoon.

If you leave them alone without bits at the bottom, you can put a cigarette that looks great. Make sure it is thick so that it is not so difficult to drink if the shake has been thick.

Nor do you need many ingredients, making homemade yogurt is extremely simple. If you want to prepare as an important meal for a children's gathering, it would be a luxury.

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La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

Ideas of healthy, delicious and not boring cooking recipes, for the day to day or for a special occasion. For those who love cooking