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Eucalyptus properties: remedies and benefits

Natural or alternative medicine is usually a great alternative to prevent diseases and in some cases to complement pharmaceutical treatments.

For this reason, I want to talk to you about the properties of eucalyptus, which among other things can be consumed in different types of recipes.

You can even prepare some remedies to avoid colds and respiratory problems.

Learn in the following article how to prepare a home remedy and the benefits you can obtain by including eucalyptus frequently in your diet.

Eucalyptus leaves

About Eucalyptus

Before proceeding, you should consider that eucalyptus comes from Australia, its scientific name being Eucalyptus glóbulus. In many places you can find it as blue resin.

It has a base trunk of at least 60 centimeters high, with a gray bark, with lanceolate, hard and very fragrant leaves. Its cup is usually cone-shaped and with flowers.

From this shrub you can use the oils, daughters, tannins, resin and other parts that can be obtained.

How is Eucalyptus grown?

The method of reproduction is through a 15-centimeter cutting. You can sow in a jar that you have available.

Eucalyptus pot

You must keep the soil moist, for this help yourself with a sprinkler. You should place the pot where it receives good sunlight and wait for the plant to grow.

A good time to sow seeds is late winter. If you have done it like this, by spring you will have your eucalyptus plant.

What remedies can be prepared with eucalyptus?

There are several home remedies that can be prepared with eucalyptus. From a decoction, to oils. So consider preparing:


This method consists of placing the eucalyptus leaves to boil, after it boils, wait a few minutes and the cooking bath is what you are going to breathe.

You can add eucalyptus oil essence. You can also help yourself with a diaper to prevent steam from escaping.

This remedy works for any type of respiratory discomfort. With these inhalations you will be able to release the passage of air quickly. Keep in mind that you must do it several times a day.


For the decoction it is necessary that you take 3 eucalyptus leaves together with a cup and a half of water and place them in a pot. Bring to medium heat. The water should take on a greenish color.

This usually happens after 10 minutes of cooking. At the end of the time, separate the pot from the fire and wait for it to cool down a bit and drink it.

It is necessary that a day you take about 3 times of this preparation e. Cases that suffer from asthma, flu, allergies, etc. everything that can prevent you from breathing properly.

Eucalyptus Tea


In a container, place 10 drops of eucalyptus oil with 70 milliliters of water.

You can help yourself with a cotton ball or a cotton cloth, immerse it in the liquid.

Then put it on the joints. You will see how the effect is almost immediately. For a better treatment, separate the mixture in half and heat one part a little and add ice to the other.

So you can buy hot and cold days to treat the area.

Chest friction

This method is done with eucalyptus oil and other oils to enhance the result. You will then:

Place 10 drops of eucalyptus oil and 30 milliliters of almond oil.

Mix well, and with your fingers apply on the chest. Try to take the portion you need at once so you can save the rest.

Repeat 2 times a day if you have asthma, bronchitis, colds and chest pains from these diseases.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus properties

Within the properties of eucalyptus it has different actions according to the way you decide to present and use it.


Its antioxidant properties can be obtained from the leaves. By preparing it as an infusion, you will be ingesting a good dose of antioxidants which will prevent the cells of the body from being affected.


The antispasmodic properties are phenomenal in asthma, as it reduces coughing spells due to shortness of breath. Even in cases where asthma is chronic, eucalyptus helps to control the effects.


According to research carried out by experts, it is appreciated that eucalyptus can eradicate the microbes that cause tuberculosis, for example. So it is good not only for the digestive tract but also to keep the respiratory system healthy.

Antiseptic and antibiotic

As an antibiotic it can work when we are facing a throat infection, in which experts recommend gargling with EU remedies that have eucalyptus oil.

This is because eucalyptus has a component called cineole, which is responsible for this time of affection.


With eucalyptus, it is possible to decongest the respiratory tract. Thanks to the mucolytic effect that eucalyptus has, it helps to eliminate mucus and open spaces for air to pass.


The utopian use of eucalyptus can help you control rheumatism and herpes. With the help of the oil, it is possible to alleviate the pain of muscle and joint discomfort.


Eucalyptus Oil

Despite its many benefits, everything in excess is bad. For this reason it is necessary to consume long-term in small doses to give the body what it needs, since otherwise:

You can get a eucalyptus poisoning that causes dizziness, weakness, stomach pain, drowsiness, and even seizures.

I do not know, therefore, it is recommended that the oil be applied directly on the skin, since it can cause problems to the nervous system. In fact, if you look at all the preparations we have made them in combination with other elements.

Now you know that you should not leave the eucalyptus only for the sauce, you can make this to keep your respiratory system up to date, especially in these times when viruses are lodged in that area.

Encourage yourself to maintain a good state of health with this eucalyptus tea or with the oils to give a well-deserved maintenance to the body.

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La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

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