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The fashion of drinking raw water is a danger to your health

Apparently the global phenomenon of drinking raw water has started to spread quickly and some companies are selling bottles of real water, that according to the promoters of this initiative, raw water has great benefits for man.

However, drinking water is always monitored by the different health organizations. It is water that must be subjected to strict sanitary controls in order to be distributed among the populations. This, in order to ensure that the water is not contaminated.

The drivers of the initiative on drinking raw water they claim that humans are biologically designed to drink raw water without problems, and that it is the safe way to avoid getting sick from the carbonates used to treat the water.

Apparently, it is an initiative to return to the past when humans only lived until they were 30 years old. Not recognizing the advances of science to treat water as good as possible and make it potable for the population, eliminating mainly the E-Coli bacteria present in the water as a result of animal feces.

Now, from a professional point of view, the only way to find raw drinking water is living near springs, water springs or natural wells. This is very difficult to find at present and the most recognized points are private property and protected by state entities.

Think for a moment about the amount of kilometers a river travels or the animals that take advantage of a large lake to hydrate. Urine and feces are the main pollutants of water, which is not treated and you drink it, end up acquiring mostly intestinal diseases.

In addition, the main promoters of this idea sell their bottles of raw water for up to USD 40, stating that it is water treated with lunar cycles and that it contains natural properties. This is a business for the industry and a danger to your health.

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Zootecnista, 7 años de experiencia veterinaria. Co-fundador de Webmediums, gestor ambiental y un apasionado por la vida #CoachEspiritual #SEO #LIVE #ElefectoFer

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