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Your pet can become a great emotional support

Pets are undoubtedly one of the best companions a person could have. They are an emotional support considered necessary to maintain the mental and psychological health of the owner.

Initially, this concept appears in the United States and has increasingly spread to other places. In recent times, the great benefit that the company of an emotional support animal can entail has been shown.

These are part of the therapeutic process for people who generally suffer from anxiety, depression, autism spectrum disorder, post-traumatic stress syndrome, social anxiety, and mood disorders.

How does animal company help?

The company of these animals brings with it a decrease in anguish, so they help to manage those negative emotions. Nowadays, it is common to find emotional support pets on airlines, since US law approves boarding them on flights.

Emotional support pets do not necessarily have to be dogs, this category is very broad and can be any animal that causes comfort to the patient.

Those support pets that want to travel on airplanes or some other means of transport with their owners must be certified by a mental health professional who endorses it as necessary for the patient.

In addition, at present and as a result of the high demand for applications in Spain, they require a certificate of good behavior, this in order to avoid accidents within the flight.

Emotional support pets

Characteristics of an emotional support pet

Unlike service pets, these do not need specialized training. Since they will not help their owner to function in daily activities, but they will provide their support and company.

However, since these pets will be with their owners most of the time, it is favorable that they can behave in public and that they obey basic commands.

It is preferable that they have an energy that is aligned with the objectives that the patient wishes to achieve, that is, if a person with anxiety has an emotional support pet, it must be calm and docile.

It is generally preferable that the companion pets are medium or small to allow accessibility and reduce the probability of some type of accident.

But the truth is that if you feel comfortable and your therapist certifies it, almost any animal can be your emotional support pet. Usually the most common are dogs, cats, birds and some rodents, but occasionally they have become snakes, hedgehogs and rabbits.

Pets as part of therapy

Every day more research recommends the use of emotional support pets for their multiple benefits for patients. They help the progress of individual processes and are a great company.

Having an emotional support pet is being accompanied and always feeling loved, it will teach you patience, responsibility, and it will motivate you to carry out activities.

However, they are not a substitute for therapy, we cannot want to replace sessions with professionals with the company of our pet. Both are necessary to reinforce each other.

Not all patients can have the responsibility of accompanying pets immediately, so you should be in contact with your therapist and gradually strengthen skills so that you can take care of one in the future.

Benefits of pets for your mental health

  • Time management: your pet has a series of needs such as feeding, walking, playing or bathing that will develop in you a caregiver role and increase your sense of responsibility.

  • Leaving the house: they will motivate you to get out of bed and share time with them, exercising with your pets is extremely beneficial, clear your mind and leave the house.

  • Reduce the feeling of loneliness: your pet is a great companion and produces a feeling of companionship similar to that of the people you love.

  • Interacting with it generates satisfaction and reduces anxiety levels: you will feel emotionally accompanied, some studies show that interaction with a companion animal favors the production of emotional well-being.

  • You will feel motivated: to carry out activities with your pet that can help you get out of negative thoughts.

Companion pets are a great option for therapeutic accompaniment, they promote responsibility and will keep you company at all times.

If you want a therapeutic companion pet, consult your psychologist to tell you which is the best alternative for you and if you allow it.

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Licenciada en psicología, mención clínica. Amante de la vida saludable, viviendo en el aquí y el ahora.

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