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Broccoli and dried fruit cream

Broccoli is a very elegant, crunchy and delicious vegetable when done properly. For this reason, I bring you a broccoli cream so that you can easily incorporate them into your diet.

Broccoli, being a green food, is loaded with large amounts of antioxidants and nutrients that the body does not produce by itself.


This type of food requires a lot of attention when selecting it, since thanks to its bush shape there may be hidden animals. You then need to buy a product that is as clean as possible.

With this consideration in mind, it is time for you to know the ingredients to start preparing this recipe for broccoli accompanied by nuts.

Preliminary considerations

Broccoli was selected because it was the food that was available at home. You can easily swap the broccolimi for more broccoli.

Regarding nuts, they all have a reason for being. And it is that they are a rich source of unsaturated fats. This helps create the creamy texture of the recipe.

You can use pistachios, almonds, walnuts or blueberries, get the one that best suits your budget and taste.

Finally, keep in mind to use an extra virgin olive oil so that its aroma and flavor help to complement this recipe.

It is also necessary to get nutritional yeast, this is usually available in bio stores or large supermarkets. If you are not lucky in the diet or bulk stores you can get it.


  • Black pepper,

  • 80 grams of nuts,

  • Natural yeast,

  • 1 lemon in juice,

  • 250 grams of broccoli in cream,

  • 1 teaspoon curry,

  • 125 grams of broccoli,

  • ½ small tablespoon of turmeric,

  • Broccoli water,

  • Extra virgin olive oil,

  • Salt.



This preparation will give you two good portions for two people.

1. Start by soaking the nuts in boiling water for 30 minutes to soften them.

If you want, you can leave them soaking in ambient water from the night before.

2. Time, remove some without discarding it.

3. Blanch the broccoli in the nut water for at least 25 seconds.

4. When the time is up, remove the broccoli and place them in cold water to stop cooking.

5. Now, it is time to crush the nuts together with half the broccoli to make the cream along with a tablespoon of nutritional yeast.

6. When you have mixed well, add the lemon juice, salt, turmeric and curry.

Add a little water if it has become very thick and gives the tone you need.

Olive oil one of the most tasteful ingredients.

7. Rectify the salt and add a little more yeast if needed.

8. At this point, take the rest of the broccoli and chop it into small pieces. Take them to a pan with extra virgin olive oil and sauté them with a little salt.

You can add a little minced garlic, and it is to your preference.

9. To serve, place the cream, in the sautéed broccoli on top. Add a good drizzle of olive oil, pepper, lemon and salt to complete. And Voalá!

A perfect broccoli cream to taste

If you are one of those who have children at home, this option can help them consume this food. You can even think about adding some pecorino cheese on top.

You can add a little mushrooms or mushrooms to the last for added flavor. Remember that the trick with broccoli is that it does not taste like earth, you must then, in addition to cleaning it well, cover it with other flavors that make it more palatable.

This recipe is very quick and easy to prepare, it does not require more super-experienced kitchen procedures. So there is no excuse not to try it.

Dare to show this broccoli and dried fruit cream that everyone will like.

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La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

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