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4 foods that stain teeth

Aesthetics is very important and taking care of the smallest details will allow us to have greater self-esteem. Today, many people turn to teeth whitening due to the fact that their teeth are yellow.

There is currently a large amount of advertising directed at tooth care, however, no one knows which foods are harmful to their color. That is why in this article we will review 4 foods that cause stains on the teeth.

Fruits: In general, it is customary to think that if we talk about fruits, they always have favorable characteristics for our health. This is not always correct.

There are fruits that cause a yellowing of the teeth, usually they are dark. Some also remove enamel due to their juices, these are citrus fruits.

Coffee and tea: They are probably the two infusions that almost everyone knows that cause stains on the teeth. The problem is that these drinks produce stains that do not fade over time and remain for life. A good recommendation is to avoid the consumption of black tea.

Carbonated drinks: These types of drinks have elements that cause tooth enamel deterioration. This causes spots to appear and many turns yellow.

Wine: Tannin is a compound that affects the health of our mouth. Both red wine and white wine have this compound and added to the fact that many have acidic compounds, stains on the teeth are very common. This does not imply that they should not consume wine from time to time, but they should be aware of what it causes in their dental health.

These 4 foods are found every day in our lunches and dinners, which is why it is a good recommendation to remove them from the table to avoid yellowing and the appearance of stains on the teeth.

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Zootecnista, 7 años de experiencia veterinaria. Co-fundador de Webmediums, gestor ambiental y un apasionado por la vida #CoachEspiritual #SEO #LIVE #ElefectoFer

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