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7 bad tech habits you've probably made

Bad tech habits.

When we talk about technology, people often have very bad habits that lead to jeopardizing their online security. These bad habits are often caused by ignorance, but don't worry, when you finish reading you will be ready to avoid them.

That is why, below, we will talk about bad technological habits that you should avoid.

Tech habits that you should avoid at all costs

1. Use outdated software

Make sure to update your computer software.

There are many people around the world who often use software that is out of date. The reasons can be many, although most are related to pirated software, which cannot be updated.

Other people are simply comfortable with the version of the software they have and refuse to change.

This represents a serious security problem, since software that is not up-to-date can have security gaps that are corrected with the updates.

Another example of this we see in operating systems, many people still use Windows 7 for example, and this system is without support since 2020.

This clearly represents a big problem, since if a vulnerability is found in the system, it will not be patched. So always make sure that you use up-to -date software so that you can use your computer with peace of mind.

2. Use public Wi-Fi

Be careful when using public Wi-Fi networks.

Nowadays, it is quite common that when we go out, we find several public Wi-Fi networks, in squares, parks, airports, hotels, etc. These networks are often used by cybercriminals to steal personal information.

This does not mean that you cannot use it, however, you must do it carefully and taking some safety measures.

For example, avoid accessing sites like banks, business, or email. In the same way, do not enter passwords, so that later you do not have a bad time.

If it is within your reach, use a VPN while browsing public Wi-Fi networks. This will give you an extra layer of protection and will make you surf without so many worries.

3. Beware of clicking without thinking

Be careful where you click.

Surely on more than one occasion when entering a website you will have received a message that you have won an award for being the 1,000,000 visitors. If you have not seen it because you surf the internet very little.

Many times, these types of ads usually lead to a website in which you must fill out a form with your personal information.

They may even ask for your credit card information and this is clearly phishing. However, inexperienced people can fall before this type of practice.

Another quite common case is that emails in which a suspicious and unknown millionaire has decided to make you his heir arrive in your mailbox. The purpose of both cases is the same, steal personal information and if they can, get money from you.

It is important that you avoid clicking on suspicious links and above all, never give personal information.

These people can spoof your identity for illegal activities, which can get you in trouble. So think twice before clicking on links or offers that seem too good to be true.

4. Poor password management

Use strong passwords.

For many people, password management can be a real headache.

Let's face it, having a password for each site can become a problem and above all, it can become chaos, so many use a single password for everything.

This is clearly a serious mistake, since in the event that they give your password they will be able to have access to all your accounts. The best option to avoid this and put your passwords to good use is to have a password manager.

With these you can create and store passwords safely. In addition, that you will be able to have a secure password for each of your accounts on the network.

There are free managers that offer you a good experience and security, an example of this is Bitwarden or LastPass.

5. Beware of unsafe websites

Sites with HTTPS guarantee the security of your information.

Despite the fact that today the use of HTTPS is standardized, a few years ago it was not. A site that does not have an HTTPS certificate is today considered an unsafe site and can be used for illegal activities.

It is important to avoid accessing these types of sites, since your security may be affected.

Always make sure you are accessing an HTTPS-encrypted site while browsing, especially if you are entering a password or logging in.

6. Do not make backup copies

Make frequent backups.

Many people do not even raise this point, since they think that their information is safe on hard drives.

However, experience has shown that this is not the case and that your information can be lost at any time.

It is very important that you frequently make backup copies of your most important information.

You can store them on external hard drives or even do it directly in the cloud. In any case, the important thing is that all your information is always safe before any eventuality that may occur.

Remember that hard drives can be damaged suddenly and without giving you the opportunity to make a copy of what is inside. It is necessary to have your valuable information safe and secure.

Even in these times when malicious software such as ransomware can affect our personal information.

7. Download pirated software

Avoid downloading pirated software.

This is another fairly common practice around the world, however, downloading pirated or modified software can represent a serious problem for your security.

In many cases, nothing may happen, however, you may come across software that includes some malicious program that can steal your information.

For example, it was recently known that a modified version of one of the most popular activators was circulating that was capable of stealing cryptocurrencies.

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Amante de la tecnología y los videojuegos. Aficionado a la criptomonedas y todo lo relaciona con ellas. Me encanta escribir y se ha convertido en mi pasión.

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