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Papaya and pear jam with ginger

Papaya and Pear Jam with Ginger.

Papaya is a fruit that grows in tropical climates and has its origins in Mexico.

Using its fleshy pulp, soft and with an unmistakable flavor, we are going to make this recipe for a tasty jam, accompanied by the citrus of the pear and fresh ginger.


  • 1 papaya unit.

  • 3 units of Pear.

  • 1 lemon unit.

  • 50 milligrams of Water.

  • 1 piece of fresh ginger.

  • 100 grams of white sugar.


  1. The first thing will be to wash and peel the papaya well. Then we remove the interior with a spoon, just as we proceed with the pear.

  2. In a pot we place the two chopped fruits.

  3. Peel and grate the ginger. Booking.

  4. Add to the pot with the fruits, the sugar, the grated ginger together with the juice of half a lemon and mix.

  5. Bring to a simmer and cook for at least 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  6. After the time, we add the water and for another 10 minutes we let it cook.

  7. Remove from the heat and we already have a rich jam ready to pack.

Being ambient you can pour into a previously washed glass jar.

Papaya and Pear Jam with Ginger.


This delicious jam can be presented with toasted bread, cookies or Greek yogurt.

As you can see, it is a very quick recipe to make and that gives you an element to use to vary your breakfasts or snacks.

Bread with marmalade.

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La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

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