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Everything you need to do to start with a detox plan

L to detoxification is the elimination of the toxic effects that a substance in bad condition, a poison or a drug has caused in a person. But it is also the elimination of the toxic effects found in our body.

It is important to note that toxins are found not only in food, but in our daily lives, they enter the body and our bloodstream, resulting in a sick body saturated with toxic load.

That is why the body must be cleaned regularly, giving a lighter, renewed result, free of burdens and diseases. In this sense, there are some adequate plans to achieve it. And here, I will show you how.

What is a detox?

A detox is a plan that seeks to eliminate the amount of toxins to which we are exposed daily, supporting cleansing through specific nutrients that help us in this action.

Cleaning our body is essential, especially in times of pandemic.

The problem lies in knowing which part of our body needs cleaning and which organ is not working well. Unlike any part of the body, it is very difficult to know how well our liver is working.

The pancreas, kidneys and liver are the main organs of detoxification and need many nutrients to function properly; the liver acts as a filter of toxins and bacteria in the blood, the liver breaks them down until they are eliminated from the body.

What is a detox for?

A detox or cleansing of the body serves to support the body's natural detoxification process, trying as much as possible to reduce the amount of toxins we ingest daily.

In addition, it is accompanied by nutrients that we need for our organs to work properly.

It is necessary that two or three times a year we carry out a detox to cleanse the body, since this promotes optimal and healthy function, eliminating toxins from time to time is vital to avoid diseases and improve our quality of life.

Types of detox

There are different types of detox programs with differences in hours, intensity and proportion of nutrients.

Some plans are very drastic, including full-time fasting, where we can only consume water.

Some people do their fasts just by avoiding some foods such as juice consumption, for cleansing or just avoiding foods certain times of the day and adding greens to their diet.

Liquid detox

Liquid detox, is based on pure natural liquid substances such as fruit juices, broths, water, fruits high in water.

You can eat some vegetables, but in a puréed way so that it can be easily digested, remember that the cleaning of the filtering organs is sought.

Vegan detox

The vegan detox is based on vegetables or foods of plant origin and easily digestible. Is a way of doing detox is widely used, since it allows the cleaning of the colon, the liver and other parts of the organism.

In the vegan detox you can eat grains. A very practical recipe is to soak lentils, and then cook them with the vegetables of your choice, blend and take it as a cream.

Juice-based detox

Detox based on juices, it is of short duration; from one to three days maximum, fruit juices or shakes are used such as: apple, pear, pineapple; and vegetables such as: carrot, spinach, celery, cabbage, among others. Many green smoothies and elements that accelerate the cleansing of the body.

It is always good, in addition to detoxifying the body, to do meditation, rest or reflection activities, because otherwise it can cause us a very dangerous shock.

Avoid tea or foods that cause addiction, try to stay well hydrated on those detox days, you will feel anxiety and weakness, but if you stay hydrated you will be able to overcome those episodes.

Benefits of a detox in the body

Undoubtedly, the detox plan is perfect for the body, among the benefits that we achieve by doing one of these are the following.

  • Decreases fluid retention.

  • It helps you lose weight.

  • Cleanses and purifies the skin.

  • Promotes hair growth and nail strengthening.

  • Improves the quality of life, cleaning your filtering organs.

It is always advisable to carry out detox plans during certain times of the year, especially after vacation time, or parties where we have exaggerated with food.

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Pastora, educadora, redactora, creadora de contenido web y asesora de bienestar natural. Temas de interés: Familia, crianza, mujeres, bienestar natural.

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