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Michelle Bachelet reports on human rights violations

· 1 min read

Obviously the government turns a blind eye to those patriots who demand their rights, lashing out or totally ignoring people.

What the Maduro regime seeks is to attack the national and international media, leaving only the government media to work freely, logically manipulating everything. Avoiding talking about violations of the right to work and decent social conditions, in which health, food, access to housing, etc. are harmed.

Bachelet accused the government and the way in which it does not recognize its problems, allowing them to grow indiscriminately and give rise to the current humanitarian crisis. Confirming the abuse of authority of government entities, in which they attack and capture opposition members.

The serious health situation, since medical centers lack basic medicine and similarly hospital equipment. Unpunished acts of human rights violations and support for the perpetrators who, regardless, forget about their victims.

The OHCHR created an 18-page document where it reveals abuses carried out by Maduro. The report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the current situation in Venezuela can be read below.

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Zootecnista, amante de la música y la moda.

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