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Pizzas with avocado cream

Avocado cream pizzas are one of those extraordinary combinations that can be eaten anytime or anywhere. Its flavor is unmatched, and you can add even a spicy touch.

This recipe is very quick to prepare and with this avocado cream that even has yogurt you can vary the presentation and flavor of this classic.

This recipe is very striking and unusual, so it is ideal to change the routine a bit and I went through to eat something totally new and nutritious.

Pizza with Avocado Cream.


  • 15 milliliters of yogurt,

  • Salt and oregano,

  • 150 grams of chickpea flour,

  • 200 milliliters of water,

  • Parsley,

  • Mix of curry species,

  • Pepper,

  • 5 milliliters of lemon juice,

  • 5 milliliters of olive oil,

  • Tomato concentrate,

  • Olives,

  • Parmesan,

  • 1 large avocado.


1. Combine the flour, spices and oil with the salt and pepper.

2. Add the water little by little and knead until no lumps remain.

3. If necessary add a little more flour until it has a porridge-like texture.

4. Let stand and cover with a cloth for approximately 25 minutes.

5. At the same time, take advantage of preheating the oven to 180 °C.

6. Also, you should crawl a pan, preferably non-stick.

7. Heat it up and place a layer of dough on the bottom.

8. If layering a little thick will not be as crispy, consider this when placing the dough.

9. Let cook until you see golden edges and flip pancake style.

10. After it is a little golden on both sides, place on a tray and repeat the process until you finish all the dough.

11. With all the bases made, mix the yogurt, with the avocado, the salt and the lemon and the pepper.

12. Now cover the pizza bases with this cream and on top of it, place tomato slices, olives and cheese.

13. To apply a touch of pepper and take to the oven until the cheese gratin and the dough is crisp. And now, you have at your disposal some great pizzas with avocado cream.


Other presentations

As the cuisine is rich and as varied as the people who cook, it is possible to get other versions of pizza with avocado cream in which other ingredients are combined:

Pizza with avocado and egg cream

This version of pizza is made with more made, either tortilla or pita bread as a base, they have sesame, egg, bacon and mozzarella cheese.

For its preparation, you just have to place the base pancakes on a tray, place a layer of mozzarella cheese, the bacon and on this break the egg.

Then, add the rest of the ingredients and cook for 10 minutes at 200 °C. When they are ready, place the avocado in slices and place the sesame seeds.

Avocado pizza with chillé

This recipe calls for you to top the base of the olive oil bread with tomato slices, avocado strips, cilantro, and avocado.

Bake for 15 minutes, wait until the edges are lightly browned and the cheese gratin. And you can already enjoy this delicious avocado pizza.

Seasons Avocado Pizza

On this occasion, a base with avocado sauce would be prepared and on top, imaginary divide the pizza. Now, put the ingredients that you like the most.

In one part, place cheese, in the other tomato sliced, in the other paprika, in another the pieces of avocado, in another the cheese and so on.

You can add mushrooms, lanterns, corn and even strips of ham or bacon. Raisins and olives should not be missing, everything that gives your taste and creativity.

Pizza with Pesto and Spinach.

Avocado pizza with pesto and spinach

Yes, as you see it. But don't worry, you won't have to eat them directly. Pesto and steamed, or raw spinach are included in the batter.

Then, you continue your preparation with tomato sauce, the ingredients of your choice, the pesto and finally a good portion of cheese.

By being able to vary the ingredients, creativity can overflow and give rise to a totally original new pizza.

You can't take any longer and I incorporated this delicious food, avocado to their meals in a totally different and even attractive way.

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La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

Ideas of healthy, delicious and not boring cooking recipes, for the day to day or for a special occasion. For those who love cooking