The top 5 of the best green juices to lose weight

If you have tried different diets, and you do not get your ideal results, without a doubt you should choose to add green juices to lose weight; these hide a large supply of effective components to achieve your goal.
Smoothies that group vegetables, fruits and plants with a greenish hue, which is the key to their impact on our metabolism. But what makes it the most recommended juices by nutritionists?
5 green smoothies to lose weight
The best thing about these green juices is that the elements you need are easy to get all year round, so there is no excuse to achieve your goals.
1. Cucumber, chayota and spinach, to reduce the abdomen

If you have a large volume in this area of your body, don't think twice, include this recipe for green juices to lose weight. Its high liquid level, fiber and nutrient properties make it capable of helping in the digestive process, preventing fluid retention and reducing sugar levels.
For this you will only need 6 ingredients, of which you cannot preside over the three that we mentioned at the beginning:
1 medium cucumber.
1 chayote.
1 cup of Spinach.
1 romaine lettuce
4 tablespoons of lemon juice.
1 glass of water to facilitate blending.
2. Watercress, cucumber and green apple, to lose weight
We see cucumber and green apple present in many recipes, and it is because they provide moisture and help the body's digestive system with their supply of potassium and fiber.
For its part, watercress stands out for being a purifying element and enhancer of fat burning. In this way I show you the amounts you need of each:
1 standard cucumber.
1 handful of watercress.
1 green apple, without its center.
1 medium lemon.
1 glass of water
3. Parsley, lettuce and cucumber as a purifying formula
Both parsley and lettuce have great benefits for health and weight loss. This, due to its high level of water, low in calories, and diuretic and purifying properties that they possess.
If you want to try, I invite you to take note of its ingredients:
2 leaves of lettuce.
1 handful of parsley.
1 medium cucumber.
1 glass of water.
1 green apple, without core.
4. Celery, pineapple and cucumber to cleanse and lose weight
Many times it costs the weight loss process due to the retention of toxins and accumulated properties in the intestinal system. There is also the case of the lack of pleasant flavors on the part of some juices.
This and more is combated by this delicious drink, with diuretic, antioxidant and purifying benefits, which strengthen and regulate your body, together with the sweetness of pineapple. And for this you will need these 4 elements:
1 small pineapple, without its center.
1 stick of celery.
1 medium cucumber.
1 glass of water.
1 tablespoon of honey optional.
5. Lemon and parsley
These two are a great option in the area of green juices for weight loss. The reason is that they have benefits that help reduce fluid retention and in turn the digestive process.
For this smoothie you don't need much, just the respective amounts that I will show you:
4 branches of parsley.
1 large lemon
1 branch of coriander.
½ cucumber.
500 ml of water.
What makes green juices so effective for weight loss?
It is common that when looking for these shakes, you see headlines like, burn fat or suck bellies, and these are not far from the truth.
Well, the effectiveness is thanks to its components that act in areas that, fused together, help our internal system.
Elements such as fiber that allow a positive regulation of stool, antioxidants that reduce the chances of malignant diseases, and different nutrients, are just some of its benefits.
However, the main component that vegetables have for these smoothies is chlorophyll, which has everything we need to achieve our weight. The function and benefit of its color are present in two aspects:
Elimination of the effects on our body of what we consume
It satisfies and controls the feeling of hunger.
In this way we will be able to maintain ourselves without the need to eat for a longer time, and in turn what we eat will not drastically influence our weight and health.
Some keys to enhance the effects of green juices
Without a doubt, not only with vegetables and green plants can you lose weight.
To guarantee success, you must ensure certain elements within your daily life along with the green juice diet.
Integrates elements rich in fiber and nutrients
Although they are green smoothies, do not limit yourself to them, analyze other elements that also provide great properties.
Such is the case of fiber, present in different fruits. By doing this, you are also incorporating nutrients and vitamins that add to your health and physical condition.
Of course, by placing them in small quantities and evaluating their calorie levels.
Keep it as a meal companion
Smoothies help in different aspects of your system, however, this does not mean that they are a complete meal. Certainly, they are a nutritional supply, but they do not contain all the basic elements that our body needs.
Therefore, keep it as a companion, or vary your breakfasts with it, as long as you ensure a balanced lunch and dinner.
Never give up exercise
Without physical activity, our body, digestive and intestinal systems, do not work 100%, so it is vital that when entering a smoothie routine, we stay active.
Even though they are very basic exercises like running, cycling, walking or dancing, they will guarantee you faster weight loss.
As you will see, green juices are your best ally to lose weight.