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Mexico does not accept United States' immigration proposal

Several days ago the mexican government was in talks with the White House to find some solution on the problem of emigration which is currently facing the passage of the caravan of Central American migrants that at this moment remain in Tijuana (Mexico).

It's something that U.S proposed a few months ago and that was rejected way explicit by Mexico. "Is it a bad idea" pointed out the secretary of External relationships in an interview with Televisa

"U.S had proposed to the mexican government to become a country of destination and welcome into its territory the central American migrants who flee their countries to reach the u.S", this is what the Chancellor has informed Luis Videgaray.

Videgaray has said that: declaring Mexico the final destination of migrants would invalidate any asylum process u.S. That is why we have rejected it, it would be a very serious decision for those who seek a better life in the United States.

As I mentioned earlier in these moments are in Tijuana (Mexico) around 6000 migrants central Americans waiting for the american government authorize entry to begin the asylum process.

Just a few days ago, 500 of them (migrants) tried to cross the border crossing which did not achieve any success. American soldiers received with tear gas and rubber bullets.

This has caused even more turmoil since the president Donald Trump has repeatedly communicated that they will not enter the country violently and has tried to convince the mexican government for the ones migrants remain in your country and has also suggested the deportation of the members of the caravan.

The chancellor (Luis Videgaray) has confirmed that: "not because of being in Mexico migrants they lose their ability to seek asylum in the United States; They are waiting in Mexico. "

He also added: Mexico is "A hospitable country" that has "open arms" towards migrants who want to remain in the country, to whom he asked them to regularize themselves "in an orderly manner and respecting the law".

He put as example the fact that there are some 700 migrants registering with the mexican authorities to apply for a job formally.

He did not want to ignore what was mentioned by the governor of the border state of Baja California when he said that the federal had not helped the state and municipal authorities in the management of the migrants caravan saying that it is completely wrong.

"The presence of the federal government has been very important. He has participated in a very active way with material resources for the sustenance of the shelters " express.

Apparently still not found a solution for these thousands of people who despite hunger, fatigue and long days of walking have something very clear prefer to die in the attempt to return to their countries where it prevails crime and insecurity for your loved ones.

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