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How to overcome grief for a close person?

It is normal that during our lives we experience the painful loss of a family member or loved one, this process of loss and subsequent healing is called grief.

And it is normal that we experience a lot of complex emotions during this process. It is important that we also know that each person processes the loss in their own way and in their own time.

The conception of the "phases of mourning" is common, however, not all people go through these as if they were a linear process.

On the contrary, it may be more effective, central to the particular coping tools of each person at this difficult time.

How to overcome grief for a close person?

Strategies for going through the grief of a loved one

Each person is unique and lives pain in their own particular way, for some it is easier to express what they feel, while others reserve their emotions.

In any case, we must be patient with ourselves and with our process without comparing it to the other people around us. Grief is a normal and healthy process, so we should not want to avoid or hide it.

Let us reflect on those internal qualities that help us overcome the difficulties we have experienced and make use of them in these circumstances.

Release your expression of grief, it is normal to feel emotions, sadness and crying, it is not necessary for you to hide them, in fact doing so can be harmful.

Lean on the other people around you to feel accompanied or supported in this difficult time. It is normal that you do not always feel the same way, the passage of time will make the acceptance of the loss less and less painful.

However, it is also normal that you have days in which you feel that it hurts like the first day, be patient with yourself and with your emotions.

How to move on?

1. Talk about your loved one

It is normal that you want to remind and share this with the surrounding people, speak out loud about your request and allow the surrounding people to support you.

This is the path to accepting your loss, keeping it hidden will only make the process more painful.

2. Embrace your emotions

Do not refuse to feel, let yourself live it hurts and the pain you feel is normal and healthy.

I do not know I forced to overcome it in a certain time, each person has the right to live their personal processes at their own pace.

3. Stay healthy

Follow a routine and neglect your health, remember that you are important and that this moment of pain is part of life.

Do not skip meals and try to include physical exercise in your routine, this will make your body feel better and will be a great support for your loss.

4. Lean on other people who are going through the same thing

Whether they are relatives who are going through the same loss, feeling accompanied in it hurts is super beneficial.

You can also participate in an emotional support group with other grieving people to share experiences and learnings.

5. Celebrate the valuable moments that you lived with your loved one

Remember and commemorate those valuable moments that you lived next to your loved one, dedicate a space in which you feel happy to have lived all the experiences that you shared with him and remember those positive things that he left in you.

6. Develop your creativity

You can find ways to express your emotions that are different from speaking, writing, painting, letting your emotions express themselves in unconventional ways and new strategies of expression emerge.

7. Take a break from grief

It is okay not to be sad all the time, this does not mean that you love your loved one less or that if lost it is less painful, but it is valid to take time to enjoy yourself, your life and the other things that make you happy.

8. Work on forgiveness

Nobody is perfect, and it is likely that you can regret some things in relation to whom you have lost, this is normal, and you should work on forgiving all those things that cause this feeling to be able to value those other positive things that you did with them.

When to seek help?

Sometimes the grief can become very complex and hinder the daily development, in these cases it is best to seek the accompaniment of a specialist.

In addition, if you have constant difficulty eating, sleeping, working or completing activities of daily life six months after its loss.

Unable to take care of yourself, feelings of worthlessness or thoughts of suicide seek the support of a mental health specialist.

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Licenciada en psicología, mención clínica. Amante de la vida saludable, viviendo en el aquí y el ahora.

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