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Being forgetful: How to fix it?

Learn about the most practical techniques to combat it

Being forgetful: incorrigible or solvable problem?

If you consider yourself forgetful, distracted and with a poor memory, you will surely enjoy learning some tricks to improve your focus and avoid dangers and delays.

These characteristics are not exactly a medical problem, but they do harm us.

We live in a society full of distractions and this is a main factor in people who tend to forget things, which causes them problems.

Being distracted is not a crime, but it even endangers someone's life without it being corrected.

Facing the problem of poor memory is easier than you think. It is enough to know a little what causes it and apply some concentration techniques. So keep an eye on the following tips to help you beat your own mind.

What makes you forgetful?

In general, there are many factors that cause forgetfulness, stress, fatigue, conflicts, but their common problem are distractions.

All kinds of activities, whether productive or unproductive, that generate mental burden on us help us to deconcentrate.

Stress from performing tasks

When our mind is divided into many focuses of attention, we tend to neglect other operations, so we often lose things or leave them behind. The pressure acts negatively, since in the eagerness to complete great tasks others are left in the middle.

The lack of focus gives space to other entertainment such as social networks or personal conversations, which also causes us to forget priorities.

Creative minds are also often neglected by their constant flow of ideas.

Should I be worried?

This problem is quite common, despite this, it should be taken seriously, since it can be something a little more serious than a simple carelessness.

An easy way to identify severity is by analyzing the frequency and importance of forgetting.

Bad memory

What do I do to stop being forgetful?

Sometimes you can opt for a prescription to optimize memory, despite this, there are other practical ways to do it.

If you are looking to improve your concentration naturally, apply the following tips on a daily basis, and you will see how simple it is.

Organize your day

Create your list of activities in your agenda

Do not leave your house without an orderly list of tasks to be completed, this helps optimize your performance and prevents you from looking bad due to irresponsibility.

Cultivate the habit of organizing the day, before sleeping or waking up this routine does not take more than a few minutes.

Technology supports order a lot, you can program your list on your Smartphone with different alarms to remind you of your schedule.

Define priorities

It is not only about ordering, but about knowing what is most urgent and putting your mind to work in that order.

It is not good to do one task thinking about another, so try to keep your focus as much as possible on the activity you do, avoiding external distractions.

Create a departure and arrival routine

Most of the things we forget are left behind when we leave home or work, since we do not check before leaving the place.

Generate a routine to check the priority before leaving, I have even made a visual reminder behind the door to memorize it.

In the same way, when you arrive, apply your check-up as a kind of self-accountability, by following it you will reduce the chances of losses.

Furniture to place belongings that are easy to forget

On the other hand, having a space at home to put keys, a wallet, among other personal items, is a useful strategy for the forgetful. This is because they determine a place in which your brain previously establishes that you will be.

Use a notepad

It does not matter if it is physical or digital, but this is a very useful tool to remember simple details like doing a favor or giving some information.

You can opt for a daily agenda that also brings this function to group everything in one place.


Using this type of accessories is not synonymous with weakness or perfectionism, people with many occupations tend to score so as not to fall into irresponsible failures.

Hey music

It seems silly or contradictory, but there are many benefits that music provides to the brain, especially in the area of concentration.

It is scientifically proven to be a healthy practice that influences attention and memory.

You do not necessarily have to be listening 24 hours a day, just small periods where you pay attention to what you hear.

This exercises your brain positively, relaxes it and leads to improved retention and focus.

Take advantage of it at the beginning of the day

Your highest concentration limit is in the morning, as the day progresses you will be more likely to leave things out of place.

Try to get up very early so that you can put everything in order, with your best ability to focus and avoid forgetting.

Always leave the house calmly and with extra time, being late increases the chances of leaving things on the road, as this is another distracting element.

Take advantage of it at the beginning of the day

At first glance it seems that it does not affect in a serious way, but when being distracted causes problems for others, it gives a very bad image of a person.

Being forgetful means that they don't trust you or that they are constantly supervising you.

Leaving things that are necessary and having to return for them creates delays in daily routines which ends up impacting lateness. Being distracted is not a good reference for anyone, so it is very timely to apply the advice and take action on the matter.

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