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Knowledge of a successful entrepreneur

Surely you have read in several blogs, magazines and newsletters that the only thing necessary to undertake is an entrepreneurial spirit, a necessary passion and a desire to excel, although I share those affirmations, are far from being the knowledge necessary to undertake.

Knowledge #1 Do not be discouraged, everyone started like you

The great minds of today's economy started without knowing anything, full of doubts and without books to study, at present, they wrote the best books about companies and even they have developed business models and economics that work as laws in this field.

But their theories did not come by themselves, they had to learn from their mistakes and correct them until they reached their perfection.

The first knowledge you must acquire is to know how they achieved success and the mistakes they made, so you do not repeat them.

Knowledge #2 Study economics, marketing and entrepreneurship

It is necessary that you acquire a habit of study on economy in general, it is not necessary that you study thoroughly all the existing theories, but at least know what they are about.

The marketing books will help us to develop an ideal business plan, proof of errors and based on models that achieved success. Read about entrepreneurship, just as you do now, stay informed about current business tips and trends and how to take advantage of them.

Knowledge #3 Current economy in your country

A case of business success arose when the owner of an accounting software reads an article about the crisis of archives of his country and the original idea was a business of mechanical spare parts.

When you read about the current economy in your country, you find the difficulties that the sector is going through and where the opportunities are. Being informed includes knowing the current laws that will govern your business.

It's not about becoming economics students, it's about knowing properly how the economy that surrounds us works and what problems it faces, remember that being informed is what differentiates us from those who do not know the environment and complain about current failures.

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Zootecnista, 7 años de experiencia veterinaria. Co-fundador de Webmediums, gestor ambiental y un apasionado por la vida #CoachEspiritual #SEO #LIVE #ElefectoFer

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