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What is dysania?

Are you one of those people who have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning? Perhaps, you are suffering from dysania, and you have not realized it.

Surely, you associate not being able to get out of bed as a normal and everyday episode, but dysania can mean the presence of psychiatric illnesses.

What is the cause of dysania?

Dysania is not exactly a disease, but the manifestation of an underlying pathology disease, mainly, a psychiatric disorder. Some of these disturbances of the mind are.

  • Depression

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Causes of dysania

Also, dysania has to do with difficulty falling asleep. In addition, there are factors that can prevent a restful sleep such as nighttime exposure to the screens of smart devices.

For this reason, it is good that the person who suffers from it can implement some measures that allow them to improve sleep.

How to identify dysania?

First, what is dysania? It is a mental disorder that is characterized by the difficulty of being able to get out of bed.

In addition to this, people experience unpleasant sensations upon waking up, such as, for example, becoming irritable.

Also, it not only has to do with not being able to lift the body from the bed, but that exhaustion is linked to processes of hopelessness.

Although you can identify some signs, these are not enough to confirm the diagnosis, since an evaluation by a specialist in the area is needed.

What are the symptoms of dysania?

It is important to note that dysania is not related to the person feeling tired. Basically, what the individual manifests is a chronic process due to not being able to get out of bed.

Symptoms of dysania

Thus, the signs that can guide you in the presence of the disorder are.

  • Inability to get out of bed What's more, the person can prolong this process for up to more than 30 minutes.

  • The person is susceptible to feeling anger, demotivation, among other negative feelings.

  • The individual does not react to the different stimuli that can make a person get out of bed.

  • The brain is immersed between sleep and wakefulness.

Recommendations to be able to fall asleep

These tips are valid for all those who need to improve the quality of their sleep, without suffering from dysania.

Remember that it is better that you prevent yourself from having to face all the symptoms of the picture. In this sense, some of the measures that you can apply are.

  • Don't use mobile devices half an hour before bed. This action allows you to be more aware that it is time to sleep.

  • Avoid eating large meals before sleeping.

  • Exercise during the day.

  • Establish a bedtime schedule.

  • Meditate before going to bed, be thankful for the day.

Recommendations for better sleep

In turn, it is good that you take into account the quality of the mattress where you sleep. Besides, one of the actions that you should avoid at all costs are naps.

The reason for this is that the more long naps you take, the more likely it is that it will be difficult for you to sleep, therefore, waking up the next day.

Now, if you continue to have discomfort to sleep, it is best to see a doctor.

Does dysania have a treatment?

As it is not a disease, but the consequence of another, what must be done is to treat the primary cause.

What is true is that the better your sleep pattern, the more energetic you can get up.

Energy to

Treatment depends on the treating physician. Then, the most feasible is to follow the recommendations for a restful sleep.

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