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Can a pet help me emotionally?

Nowadays, it is very common to see that pets have become a fundamental part of the family.

Increasingly, laws support the introduction of trained emotional support pets in public places, as they recognize the importance of them to their owners.

These pets are certified by mental health professionals who endorse their importance for treatment. These animals accompany us and help us in many ways in our daily lives, and for our health they are very beneficial.

If you are willing to take responsibility for having a pet, it will be very beneficial for you and your mental health. Join us to learn how emotional support pets can make us healthier mentally.

Pets keep us company and reduce the feeling of loneliness

What role do pets have in our life?

Scientific studies have been developed around how pets help us, this is a growing interest that has become even more popular in times of pandemic.

The scientific interest is to know if those people who have pets enjoy more health advantages compared to those who do not have them.

Studies are still in progress, but so far positive relationships have been evidenced in terms of those who have pets in relation to their stress levels.

Pets keep us company and reduce the feeling of loneliness, being in the company of them and caressing them makes our brain release a substance called serotonin, which makes us feel happy.

And at the same time it reduces the levels of cortisol in the blood which is an indicator of stress. They are also beneficial for the social skills of both children with autism spectrum disorder and other children.

This is because it helps them practice their skills without feeling threatened or exposed. There are also many pet-loving communities with which you can interact and create meaningful bonds to expand your social interactions.

Can you help me with a psychological problem?

Having an emotional helper pet can be beneficial for people suffering from anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder.

Emotional support animals keep you company and reduce stress and anxiety levels.

They can be trained to remind you of the time of day when you should take the pills and can even serve as supportive functions to help you get by in spaces.

They have been recommended for those who self-injure, as they can serve as a protective barrier and can even warn of an imbalance indicating that an outbreak of the disorder is near.

Other benefits that we can obtain from emotional support pets are:

They increase the sense of responsibility

Having a pet will allow you to take care of their needs and that you can validate your abilities in this regard, taking care of your pet makes you feel capable and establishes a bond of love and comfort.

They improve social life

It generally works very well to break the ice in social situations to talk about friendly topics, and what better way than to share your experience caring for and being cared for by your emotionally supportive pet.

They reinforce self-esteem

According to scientists from the universities of Miami and Saint Louis, people with pets are more likely to have better self-esteem than those who do not have them, especially it has been observed in children, since they interact without being judged, resulting in an increase in their own valuation.

Its advantages are widely recognized and studied in terms of emotional support, without a doubt pets are a wonderful and beneficial company.

Emotional support animals

What types of pets should I seek to help myself?

Depending on your tastes, needs, and of course allergic conditions, you can have anything from a dog to fish as emotional support animals.

Talk to your psychologist about the desire to have a support animal, and he will recommend which one best suits your needs.

In case you need to stay calm, for example fish are a good option, since watching them swim can relax you and take care of their not so demanding routine can be the perfect balance to help you establish responsibilities that are not so demanding.

If you prefer, for example, a dog, this can also help you to introduce physical exercise into your routine, since you will have to take it out for a regular walk.

Emotional support animals are there for us whenever we need them, and they are a wonderful companion in everyday life, especially in times of pandemic.

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Licenciada en psicología, mención clínica. Amante de la vida saludable, viviendo en el aquí y el ahora.

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