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Have you ever wondered what Asperger syndrome is?

Asperger syndrome is more common than it seems. Would you know how to identify it?

Although Asperger syndrome is a common disease, very little is known about it. In fact, the number of myths or taboos about it are very overwhelming, confusing the crowd about it.

Knowing about this condition and everything related to Asperger's symptoms is not complicated. On the contrary, you will be able to detail the basics in a matter of a few minutes, leaving behind the false beliefs about this pathology.

What is Asperger syndrome about?

In medicine, the word syndrome is a term used to encompass a set of signs and symptoms. In essence, they are disease-specific, the same being the case for Asperger's.

Therefore, Asperger's is defined as a series of signs and symptoms of a mainly neurobiological nature. In another order of ideas, it was discovered by the Austrian doctor Hans Asperger, approximately more than 70 years ago.

In general, it is characterized as a disorder that affects behavior, manifesting itself from an early age of the human being. Similarly, the social capacity, adaptability and communication of the individual is altered over time.

Asperger usually appears from an early age, being quickly recognizable by experts in the field.

Within more notorious cases, Asperger's syndrome generates little flexibility of behavior and thought. However, in most settings they are fluent and superior in specific topics or branches of interest.

Asperger syndrome symptoms: the most recognized

At present, it is stipulated that Asperger's syndrome belongs to a group of diseases as such. All of them, together, are called "Autism Spectrum Disorders" due to their similarity and because they are directly separated from autism.

The symptoms of Asperger's are very varied, but most are reduced to behavior and social development. In retrospect, the following stand out:


Those patients with Asperger's have marked difficulty in understanding everyday language, slang and popular gestures. It is proven that they are not able to process or understand common facial expressions, much less changes in voice tones.

At the same time, it is costly for them to start a social and pleasant conversation, because they do not know how to “talk for the sake of talking”. On the contrary, to work in this area, they hide behind topics of interest in which they feel comfortable.

However, many times they do not know how to end or conclude a pleasant conversation. They also don't notice when they are too technical, pedantic, or overwhelming when communicating with others.


The behavior of Asperger patients tends to be very difficult to decipher. The reason is that they act very literally, without being flexible in any situation.

Behavior and the social environment are two of the most difficult foundations to work on with Asperger's.

As a curious fact, the understanding of sarcasm and jokes is not within its limits. On the other hand, much less do they conform to laws, norms or regulations, since they do not internalize or understand them as they should.

In more serious cases, they tend to be aggressive if they are around a lot of people. Although of course, they do not go to the extreme of causing problems or greater evils. In itself, they only feel dismayed before the crowd and, due to their poor ability to communicate, they collapse.


Although the social and behavioral spectrum is the most relevant in Asperger's, emotions also play a leading role. Scientifically speaking, this neurodevelopmental disorder prevents the person from being able to express themselves emotionally.

It means that, in short, their emotions are very abstract or almost absent. Given this, they usually show disinterest in interpersonal relationships and in the emotions that surround them.

In short, it is very difficult for them to feel something for a person and, if they do, they do not find adequate ways to express themselves. As if that were not enough, they are not individuals who understand the veracity of feelings. In short, they neither express themselves nor know how to interpret them.

development and intellect

There is a very common myth where it is said that Asperger's gives superior intelligence to those who suffer from it. However, what is plausible is that they simply have a normal or slightly above average IQ.

The reason why this belief has been consolidated is because Asperger's describes a special condition. Basically, they are able to quickly "specialize" in certain interests, especially in a restricted and repetitive way.

As long as they are immersed in what concerns them, they are capable of processing and storing large amounts of data. A posteriori, it gives them the power to put together an expeditious routine in which they simply become experts.

asperger syndrome symptoms

The bad news is that when they get out of their painstaking lifestyle, they don't know how to react or act. Additionally, they are individuals with a motor and study coordination deficit.

Because of this, they show signs of slight "clumsiness" when practicing certain skills. Therefore, if they do not cling to a methodical type of life, they are prone to chronically fall into that motor incoordination that haunts them.

Differences between autism and Asperger's. Which is which?

Autism and Asperger's Syndrome are hard to tell apart if you don't pay attention to the details. Next, a series of comparative points will be shown that will end with the dilemma.

  1. Asperger's is most evident after the fourth to fifth year of life, where the child's behavior and intellect flourish. For its part, autism occurs even during the first three years of birth.

  2. The signs and symptoms of Asperger's are very varied, but none alter speech or the articulation of sentences. On the autism side, this problem is tangible, making it impossible to express ideas and long-term communication.

  3. Although there are motor disorders in both, in Asperger they are not so pronounced. Beyond alterations in coordination, this type of patient does not evolve to worse cases. However, in autism, involuntary movements are often seen, especially in the hands.

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Estudiante de Medicina. Redactor SEO, creador y diseñador de contenido para redes sociales con más de 3 años de experiencia.

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