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Foie Gras, How to eat it properly?

Foie Gras on a slice of bread.

As part of the traditional French food, we have the Foie Gras. This ingredient has been eaten in different ways, but many of them are not suitable.

This is the reason why I want to give you the necessary information so that, the next time you are going to consume it, you will know how to make the most of the flavor of Foie Gras.

Let's talk about Foie Gras

Foie Gras is a food that comes from ducks, pigs and geese. Records show that this food has been harvested hundreds of years ago.

Culinary evolution has led to the preparation of a Foie Gras pate, which is how it is usually presented to this day.

It had such a boom in its time that the creator was compensated by the king of that time, by bringing this great dish to his party.

Initially this food was eaten after the main course, currently it has been an excellent appetizer.

Slice of Fie Gras.

Good habits when eating Foie Gras

Although cooking is rough and the techniques or ways of eating food may vary from place to place, there are certain factors that are often forgotten and prevent food from being appreciated better.

For this reason, culinarily speaking, I am going to mention to you how you can better appreciate the taste of Foie Gras by changing a few simple habits.

Foie Gras is not spread

Despite being presented in the form of a pate, it is not necessary to spread them on food. The must be, is to eat the piece of Foie Gras so that it fills the entire palate with flavor.

The bread must not be toasted

To accompany this typical French food, bread is usually the best choice. However, so that the flavor of the Foie Gras is not opaque, the bread must not be completely toasted.

Although if you like to feel the combination of textures, you can look for breadith a crunchy crust to be part of the appetizer. Also, there is bread made of a thousand sheets, which usually has a milder flavor.

Foie gras.

It is not part of salads

Although it is difficult to accept, Foie Gras should not be part of salads. This is because either the vinegar or the wine that is taken to taste it usually changes the flavor of the ingredient.

To achieve a proper cut it is necessary that the knife is sharp and clean in each cut, in addition, it must be passed through hot water.

This will allow you to make clean cuts, you should clean the blade of the knife before the next cut.

Zero gelatin

Currently, gelatin is no longer used to present Foie Gras as a kind of panela.

Foie Gras textures

In the market they excite different Foie Gras. To eat the softest and most delicious, look for the one is made of goose.

If you want a thicker and firmer Foie Gras, you should locate the paté made of duck.

Plated foie gras.

A good Foie Gras

To know if the Foie Gras is in good condition, it must be fine, silky, smooth, consistent and tasty. If, on the other hand, it is gelatinous, gummy, watery or chewy, it is not in good condition.

With these recommendations you can take advantage of the flavor of Foie Gras. I suggest you take the test and generate your own opinion.

Certainly the culinary world offers us a great variety of options and application of techniques, so the way you eat Foie Gras will be accepted.

Go ahead and correct your habits when eating Foie Gras so that you can improve the flavor of your appetizers.

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La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

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