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Eyebrow micropigmentation: The treatment that revolutionized the aesthetic world

Maria de Piña
4 min de lectura
Eyebrow micropigmentation: The treatment that revolutionized the aesthetic world
Eyebrow micropigmentation.

Currently, there are thousands of techniques for beautifying the frame of our eyes, however, none has come to match eyebrow micropigmentation.

A revolutionary treatment that allows more populated and defined eyebrows, if the unitary need of the hair. Yes, if you do not have naturally hairy eyebrows, eyebrow micropigmentation is for you.

Now, if you want to know what it consists of and why it beats other treatments, you have come to the right place, because here you will know everything.

What is eyebrow micropigmentation?

Eyebrow micropigmentation: The treatment that revolutionized the aesthetic world
What is eyebrow micropigmentation?

In essence, micropigmentation is an eyebrow formation technique, which acts as if it were a tattoo with very realistic results.

But, although it is not really a tattoo, it requires professionals in micropigmentation, because it is a very detailed job, where natural-looking hairs are created.

Being a delicate treatment, it has its own tool, called a dermatograph. It is equipped with small needles that pierce the skin with the pigment, arriving just in the intermediate zone between the epidermis and the dermis.

Benefits and quality of eyebrow micropigmentation

We cannot deny that there are other treatments that offer very good results, but they cannot be compared with the benefits and quality of eyebrow micropigmentation.

Now I show you what has made it one of the most popular aesthetic treatments.

  • Great detail with natural results: Micropigmentation of eyebrows is not about shading, it is about coloring thin and very realistic hairs, strategically positioned to form the eyebrow.

  • Increases the amount of hair: Visually, it generates a bushy eyebrow, without removing hair, unlike tattoos. Which is beneficial for women with little quantity, since it adds without subtracting naturalness.

  • Does not leave scars: Although its procedure is very similar to that of a tattoo, being done by a professional, it only leaves redness in the first week, without damaging the skin at all.

  • Greater durability: In this case, it differs from other treatments because it is temporary, but with the highest standard of durability, since if it is well cared for, it can last up to 3 years.

  • Water resistant: The best thing is that you can enjoy its results without fear of losing it due to water, so you can take a shower or wash your face, without the need for extra touch-ups.

Data to take into account with eyebrow micropigmentation

Like any other treatment, we must be attentive to certain details and recommendations, before and after applying it. This way you will determine whether or not you dare to do it.

It is painful?

Many wonder this, or assume that it is extremely painful because it resembles the tattoo in application. The truth is that you will feel pain, but at a much lower level than that of a tattoo.

Remember that the Dermografo pierces the skin, for which your nervous system is alert, activates a slight pain in the treated area.

Therefore, the emphasis that it be a pigmentation professional who executes it, since they know how to treat the skin and its limits. In addition, some apply anesthesia in the area, to make the experience more pleasant.

Evaluate before if you have a skin disease

In the process of micropigmentation of the eyebrows, it is perforated, and in turn components foreign to the skin are introduced.

These two facts are offensive, so if you have very delicate skin, or have a disease or superficial condition, it can become a risk.

Therefore, evaluate yourself and consult with your dermatologist, to see if this is the best or worst beauty option for you.

Avoid the sun in the first week

After the eyebrow micropigmentation treatment, this area will be sensitive and vulnerable. In this sense, you must bear in mind that the impact of the sun's rays and heat can affect it.

Therefore, during the first weeks it is advisable to protect yourself from the sun and refrain from UVA sessions, ensuring its durability and avoiding changes in tone.

Avoid hair removal after treatment

Mainly, you must take into account the reason for the previous fact, because since the skin is delicate, the friction of elements such as tweezers and blades can affect it.

Also, although the treatment generates more hairs without removing the ones you naturally have, removing them after the work has been done will create gaps in the eyebrow.

Join the large group of women and men who are committed to eyebrow micropigmentation, this being one of the best tools for natural beautification.
