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Tips for healthy hair

6 min de lectura

Get to know some essential and natural tips to maintain healthy hair depending on the type you have.

One of the best factors that women have is hair, and keeping it healthy is not as easy as you think, so it is important to always have some tips for healthy hair at hand.

Tips for healthy hair – Beauty – WebMediums
10 tips for healthy hair.

It is generally believed that chemical products that are promoted so much could be the best to show off radiant hair, however, there is nothing better than natural to make you shine.

Apply these keys and treatments to achieve healthy hair

May rosemary be an infallible ally

The properties that rosemary contains are many, but when it comes to hair, it helps in the circulation of the scalp, which makes its growth noticeable.

In addition to generating hair growth, rosemary helps prevent hair loss, and in case you suffer from it, it helps to reduce it.

Tips for healthy hair – Beauty – WebMediums
Rosemary, an infallible ally for healthy hair.

It can be used in different ways, one of them can be at the time of the bath, using a little of the rosemary extracts in the designated shampoo, and rinse in a normal way.

Just as it can be used before bathing, for this the aromatic plant is boiled, and the water is poured into a spray container, and applied to the entire scalp.

For a better result, it is recommended to mix it with water and apple cider vinegar.

Honey, a shimmering combination

Incredible are the benefits that honey contains for hair are many, from moisturizing to clarifying naturally; One of the best known combinations is when it is mixed with milk, thereby achieving total hydration.

To use this combination, you need to pour honey and milk into a bowl, and mix them until you get a homogeneous texture, then apply it from the root to the tip, and leave it on the hair for 15 minutes or more, and then rinse it with plenty of water.

Tips for healthy hair – Beauty – WebMediums
Honey, a shimmering combination, for healthy hair.

To show off healthy and strong hair, you can make a fabulous mask, applying two tablespoons of honey and one of coconut oil, leaving it to act for 15 minutes only on the scalp and more if you suffer from oily hair.

In case the hair is totally damaged, pure bee honey would be applied from the middle to the end, for 20 minutes, preferably every time the hair is washed in order to obtain a faster result.

Soap Tree or Wash Nuts

These Indian fruits were used centuries ago as a shampoo, because their natural components make hair completely soft and shiny.

Another of the properties they contain is that their constant application helps to prevent premature baldness and reduce excess oil in the hair.

Tips for healthy hair – Beauty – WebMediums
Soap tree or washing nuts, benefits for healthy hair.

To enjoy its properties, 2 or 3 seeds are inserted into the shampoo, and it is applied throughout the hair in the normal way; and in addition to leaving it shiny, it will have a unique smell.

Use of different natural oils

Natural oils help to hydrate the hair, as long as they are used once the hair is completely clean.

Olive oil is one of the most natural and useful for moisturizing and recovering hair; In the event that you suffer from split ends, the use of this oil on the ends is essential for their recovery.

Tips for healthy hair – Beauty – WebMediums
The use of different natural oils to maintain healthy hair.

It is applied for 10 minutes on the ends, together with a cap to generate heat, and then rinsed in the normal way, with excessive water.

Other oils that help maintain healthy hair and more if they are combined, are coconut and almond oils, these can be applied throughout the hair and heat is applied in the same way, in order to achieve a unique shine.

Nasturtium and its benefits

The vitamins and antioxidants that the nasturtium plant provides for hair have been known since the 17th century, and these range from stimulating hair growth to eliminating dry dandruff.

In addition to natural remedies or species, to maintain healthy hair it is necessary to know some important elements.

Hair washing is paramount

Clearly it is important to keep your hair clean so that it not only looks but also feels healthy, however, something that can cause damage to your hair is constant washing.

Tips for healthy hair – Beauty – WebMediums
Proper hair washing is essential for healthy hair.

Washing your hair in excess is not healthy or recommended, because the fat produced by the hair is necessary for it to naturally hydrate itself, even so, do not overdo the days, but find a perfect balance.

Correct application of the conditioner

The conditioner helps a lot in the softness of the hair, however it should be known that it can only be applied from the middle to the end.

If the conditioner is used constantly throughout the hair, that is, on the scalp, it covers the root and prevents growth from flowing normally.

It is also important to know what type of hair you have, because that way you will know which conditioner to apply, so that its straight and volume effect is properly.

A cut is always necessary

Although it is known that the hair grows from the root, even so, a cut of the ends every 3 or 4 months should be carried out so that they do not open and thus the acquired growth is not damaged.

Tips for healthy hair – Beauty – WebMediums
A cut of tips is always necessary for healthy hair.

Also, when the ends are trimmed regularly, the hair grows faster and more importantly, healthier and stronger.

The use of treatments and masks

Using masks to moisturize your hair, such as those mentioned above, is important for healthy hair and proper growth.

Depending on the case that your hair needs, you can opt for the treatment that best suits you every 15 days or once a month, with this it is important to maintain the same balance as with washing the hair, since if they are used excessively hair gets greasy.
