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Decoration of terraces with plants: practical ideas that you should try

Although each terrace has different details, they can all be full of the charm of nature, and if you are a lover of it, you will love knowing these ideas.
Forget about the usual pots with plants placed on the sides of the furniture, because there are other ways that you do not know to decorate your terrace with plants.
If you find this interesting, believe me, you will want to continue reading to learn ideas that will lead you to implement them on your terrace.
Terrace decorations with plants at low cost
Having a modern and cozy decoration on your terrace is something you can achieve without spending too much.
The key to decorating terraces with little money is to use plants in a very functional way, taking into account which are the perfect plants for the job and positioning them in strategic places for decoration.
That is why we collect the best ideas for decorating terraces with plants that will take the style of this space to another level.
Vertical garden for terraces

Vertical gardens function as a barrier or wall of vegetation. This is very functional for terraces with a lot of visibility, since by creating a wide barrier, they manage to offer privacy.
These vegetation barriers are formed by creating a support for the plants, that is, a vertical structure that can be formed with pallets or metal, preferably by creating frames in the structure where the vegetation will be attached.
Within the frames of the structure he creates panels of earth and substrate compacted with Maya.
Within these you can place plants such as:
Chlorophytum Comosum
Saw Fern
Maritime Armory
Monstera Deliciosa
Ficus Repens
Maple Horn Fern.
These plants are native to tropical countries, with a warm environment, so although it requires a good irrigation system, they are excellent for this idea, since they support the conditions outside the terraces.
Garden to the wall with climbing plants

If your terrace has a wall where you don't know what to decorate it with, the solution is this.
Place a small garden from which the climbing plant emanates. This small garden can be made with pallets or cement, creating a structure to transplant the plants on the ground.
Another option is to use pots, in this case they must be mostly large to place climbing plants and other species.
The idea is to create a plant base where you can use different species for outdoors, but between them place between 1 or 2 climbing plants, which when growing decorates the entire wall covering it.
The climbing plants that you can use for this decoration are the climbing figs, In love with the wall, Ivy and the most sought after for its flowers and colors, the Trinitaria.
Terraces with bamboo

Bamboo is a plant capable of turning a simple space into a modern one by simply placing them in the right place and in the right way.
In the terraces, including bamboo is an easy task, since you only need to create with cement or bricks, large rectangular pots preferably.
Transplant the bamboo by placing them in a line, side by side inside the rectangular pot. This will create a kind of long, leafy barrier with the bamboo.
Once you have this, you have two options for its location, which will depend on the m² that the terrace has.
The first option is to place them as decorative plants in the middle of the terrace or next to the furniture. You can use them to delimit spaces or simply to decorate, this idea works for large terraces.
The second option is to take them to decorate a wall as a decorative background, taking into account this you will have to group a greater number of bamboo plants.
Timeless terrace plant bed

Although it is very common to hear this term for gardens, this idea for terraces offers us a more lasting advantage.
Plant beds focus on placing different plants in a space strategically, so that they can stand out individually.
If we want to enjoy a summery, fresh and beautiful environment with plants, the idea for terraces is to place between shrubs, floral and herbaceous plants, plants of different classes and flowering seasons.
The difference in classes and species provides that the beauty of each plant is better appreciated. And the fact that they come from different seasons will allow you to have a constant flora all year round.
Medium trees for modern terraces

If you have a large space, and you want to include nature at its best, go for plants in a big way.
From fruit trees, different types of shrubs, and ornamental trees you can choose to create a center of attention on your terrace.
You can have a large exotic tree in the center of the terrace and pruned bushes on the walls.
For this you must take into account the care of each plant, and offer it a pot or base structure with enough space so that it can expand its root enough to increase its size naturally.
Plants are a great resource that is sometimes underestimated, however, connoisseurs of the power of nature, we can see further, exploring different beautiful decorations for our terraces.
Recreate these functional decorations with plants for your terrace and enjoy nature, which with these ideas will be drier of you.