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What is web design?
Web design is generally applied for the creation of websites, but they include tasks related to the interface of online pages and the creation of content.
In this case, the web designer uses a markup language such as HTML to create the page, which in this case would be the visual part of the site. On the other hand, it is responsible for CSS, the term used to style elements written in HTML.

Therefore, it is common for web designers to use both to create a website, as together they define how the page will be displayed in the browser.
During the design, the visual part and interface, codes, ux, search engine optimizations, content strategy, information architecture, frontend and backend development and system architecture are included.
What is web design?
Web design enables a couple of things, on the one hand, it gives site visitors a unique, relevant, and engaging browsing experience. And, on the other hand, a powerful visual image that promises to provide a comfortable experience to users.
It also allows them to convey the mission, vision and brand values that they want to show. When you work and create a good web design, it satisfies both the needs of professional businesses as well as the expectations of the general public.
This makes a difference in the network, providing added value and better positioning. All of this provides effective positioning, with reach and visibility.

What programs to use for web design?
It is one of the simplest web design programs out there, it is totally graphic, it comes with many tools and it also dynamically adapts to any device, be it mobile, tablet, computer or laptop.
With this program you don't need to write any line of code, it allows you to add a multitude of effects and offers compatibility with all Adobe tools.
A free program with a graphical interface with which we can design a web based on bustrack. In addition to using the component dragging system, in this case it also offers a code editor.
Which would be great to start getting to grips with web development a bit more advanced. Its great advantage is that it is available for all platforms.
Adobe Dreamweaver
For many years it was a reference program to create web pages, it has thousands of tools and the possibility of combining code editing with visuals.

It also offers compatibility with Adobe tools and allows us to work with the synchronized server, making all the changes we make are immediately reflected on the web.
It is an open source web design and development editor based on technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We can see the results in real time in your favorite browser and you have the option to install various extensions to facilitate your work.
It is a project created and maintained by Adobe and is available on many other platforms. It is a very practical and adjusted editor for the basic needs of a developer.
Where to learn to do web design
Web design today can be learned in various places such as at school, university, face-to-face courses, online courses or in a self-taught way by researching the internet, videos, books, etc.
Taking into account everything that is required to be a web designer and that you really like it, below I will show you some online sites where you can learn.

It is an online learning platform that will help you learn or improve your skills to become a web designer in particular.
You can find free and paid web design and programming courses. If you are interested in learning this page, it will help you understand how JavaScript and PHP, and other languages and systems such as HTML and CSS, work.
It is one of the leading educational technology companies, offering more than a thousand courses in 119 educational institutions around the world. You can enroll in free introductory web development courses in various disciplines and recognized at universities such as Stanford, Washington and Toronto.
code academy
One of the most popular websites to learn to code as it offers free web design and coding courses. Thanks to this platform, nearly 45 million students have learned to program.
They also offer all kinds of courses, from building websites using HTML and CSS to JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and C++. Learning web design and everything that goes with it is the best way to gain skills to be an excellent programmer.
Fortunately, there are many courses and academies that will help you meet these goals, as well as video tutorials and other tools and courses available on the web.
In this modern and technologically advanced world, people trained in this field are more necessary for any company, that is why the importance of learning to program, at least in web design, which would be the basis and the beginning of this discipline.