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Tales of the Mirror an excellent narrative adventure that you must try

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Tales of the Mirror an excellent narrative adventure that you must try
Tales of the Mirror is a very interesting graphic adventure that you should take into account.

Adventure games like Tales of the Mirror are a genre that is not as popular as others. However, it does not stop having a large number of followers around the world. This is a visual novel that includes mysteries, murders and exceptional artwork.

If you are a lover of this genre, without a doubt, it is a title that you must try, since we are sure that you will love it. On this occasion, we are going to do a brief analysis of this title and everything it can offer. In this way, you will be able to know if it is the type of game you are looking for.

Getting started with the game

Tales of the Mirror an excellent narrative adventure that you must try
A beautiful game worth trying.

The story begins with a bird. Not just any bird, but a special one, one that costs "a lot" to acquire. It doesn't give too much away, but instead it's something that would play an incredibly important role the more it develops. However, getting into the real story and trying to solve the gruesome murder is an entirely different story.

From the outset, the first thing you will have to discover for yourself is the menu. The game comes by default in Chinese, so it's difficult at first, but there is an option to change the language. Although it is not available in Spanish, you can play it in English. In this way you will be able to understand much better than in Chinese.

Even if you don't understand English very well, you have nothing to worry about, as it won't be that necessary. In the same way, you will be able to enjoy this very interesting title.

Time is money and you only have a little

Tales of the Mirror an excellent narrative adventure that you must try
You will have to control the time so as not to run out of money in the middle of the adventure.

As we have mentioned, game progress is measured in time. This look is done to perfection. You are given a set time limit in the game where you are tasked with solving a gruesome murder using the help of your prized artifact – the mirror.

Each action requires a set amount of time to complete, and just like in real life, it takes time to get from point A to point B. This makes you have to plan carefully in advance. Also, there are certain places that are only open during the day, while others are only open at night.

It is much more complex than it may seem

Another key point is that with each passing day, you lose money. You have to pay for your stay at the inn, and the sooner you solve the mystery, the better (for financial reasons, of course). Since money is such an important aspect in this game, you shouldn't go around carelessly spending it on “black market” goods and random gifts to impress the characters, as much as you like.

Red pill or blue pill?

Tales of the Mirror is a game where every choice matters, especially the red ones. I was especially struck by a case that made me choose between the Oblivion Pill and the Truth Serum. A billion situations ran through my head: do I trick this character into revealing this or that and then make him take the forgetting pill, or do I just trick him into drinking the truth serum? Such a difficult choice...

Each of these little aspects is charming and makes you want to discover even more what they all hide.

Tales of the Mirror gameplay

Tales of the Mirror an excellent narrative adventure that you must try
The gameplay is pretty straightforward, so you won't have any trouble getting used to it.

Graphics-wise, the game is flawless. Except for the chick speech bubbles, everything is as it should be. Fluid movements, beautiful colors that are easy on the eyes, and outstanding artwork that comes to life with the movements and animations of each character. This is an excellent alternative for anyone.

The game isn't action-packed, but it builds in intensity through the mystery that gets bigger and bigger with each new person you interrogate. The difficulty to solve some of the puzzles is quite high.

In fact, it's much more challenging than I expected at first. At first glance, you don't expect such a great looking game to be as interactive and complex as Tales of the Mirror is.
