Attempt to rob his grandparents

José Miguel Fernández Nápoles
4 min read
Attempt to rob his grandparents – Jose  Vale – WebMediums
Grandparents can.

Dear grandson:

It occurred to me to write the answer to your question here because I see that you enter a lot on Facebook lately, and also we do not have your mobile number to call you. We would have loved to talk about it personally, but you ran away.

First I have to say that your grandfather and me were very surprised to see you arrive this morning with that face of concern and fear, because it has been a long time since you came to visit us, not even on Mother's Day, which I always remember You did it when you were younger.

We understand that you have many occupations, that you do not stop looking for a job and I think that you also play soccer some days in the afternoon. We know that Maria is very busy with the child, and now she doesn't have a second for anything else.

You tell us that they are in a big financial trouble and that the bank is threatening to foreclose, that the car letter and other demons are squeezing their necks in a bad way. In this situation they thought of us that they know perfectly well that we live comfortably because we have our Swiss pensions that are high, we are recovering a capital investment since we retired, we no longer pay mortgages or other fixed expenses. My grandfather and I were talking about it, and we want to answer the following:

Attempt to rob his grandparents – Jose  Vale – WebMediums

We could very well bear some of your expenses, and to be honest we don't think that would make us change our lifestyle abruptly, and the first reason for refusing to do so is that we have come to the conclusion that we would do you a lot of harm. We believe that it is time to face the challenges of your life alone, to focus on solutions and not on problems.

We had little support from our families when we were young like you, not because they refused to help us, but because they could not, and we left the country at the time, we left behind our customs and our climate, we faced the challenge of a strange language, We were cold at first, and it can be said that we were even hungry.

So we desperately searched until we found a job, and we defended that right to keep it with a lot of sacrifice, and we were gaining the consideration of the bosses.

Attempt to rob his grandparents – Jose  Vale – WebMediums
Facing challenges.

Your grandfather miraculously got a loan to buy potatoes in bulk wholesale, because he realized that housewives had a hard time bringing them from the market, and he packed them and took them house to earn something, pay and get some Profits.

Now the world has changed, and the crisis hits us and these are hard times and at the same time excellent times for those who seek excuses. Let's see who could argue that there are few job offers, that starting a business is taking the risk of having to close before six months and remain in debt, but you know one thing, darling: the bigger the challenges, the more you will be forced to grow to face them.

Attempt to rob his grandparents – Jose  Vale – WebMediums

Look for a solution, which in the bible says that he who seeks finds. What's more, do not go out to find, go out to find and put all your efforts into serving in some way, try to be the best in what you do, whatever it is.

If you decide to be someone else's employee, you have to become essential and if, on the contrary, you find a way to do something on your own, you have to become titans in the sector you play. During crises there are also many opportunities.

To be a good worker, you also have to be a good person, a good friend, a good son, a good father, a good grandson, and a good husband. And you can always be a little better because perfection is not a matter of humans. That is our answer son, and since you are so given to sharing opinions on Facebook, well I wanted to share it here with you. We love you very much, and we wish you luck. A hug from your grandparents.
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Intento de atracar a sus abuelos
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José Miguel Fernández Nápoles

Member since almost 6 years

Cubano, emigrante en España, disfrutando de esta parte de mi vida. Compartir es mi camino.

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Jose Vale

Publication start over 3 years

I perceive that I am more than a physical, mental and emotional body. I don't know who I am, but I AM MORE, MUCH MORE!!
