The puerperium is the name given to the postpartum period in which the body the woman experiences physical and psychological changes until the organism returns to the pre-pregnancy state.
The puerperium begins just after the birth of the baby, with the detachment of the placenta.

In this article, we present other information about this delicate period and we will give you advice on the necessary care during this stage.
Duration of the Puerperio
The puerperium usually lasts six weeks. Therefore, it is also popularly known as quarantine, a stage in which the new mother has to be more careful and caution in daily activities and goes through a series of emotional and physiological transformations so that the body returns to its pre-pregnancy state.
During the puerperium, you have to take special care with the woman. The puerperium begins one or two hours after the placenta's exit and can be divided into:
Immediate puerperio (from 1st to 10th day), moment in which the body begins to recover. In that period, the uterus begins to return to its normal size and a drip occurs, initially reddish and, with the passage of days, in reduced volume and yellow color.
Late puerperio (11th to 45th day), period in which the body continues to undergo changes and care must be redoubled. The uterus continues to regress and the genital region continues to change to fully recover from the gestational period.
Remote pier (from the 45th day) until the mother undergoes modifications of pregnancy (lactation).
During the puerperium, the woman does not ovulate. However, after forty days, the reproductive capacity is recovered and the use of contraceptive methods is recommended if the woman does not want a new pregnancy.
In women in a period of partial breastfeeding (approximately every 3 hours), the ovulation capacity may not yet appear and is inhibited by breastfeeding.
When a woman knows she is in a state, she must know the first symptoms that your body will present. It is important that every woman knows her diagnosis, to take a development healthy prenatal.webmediums.com
Hormonal balance in the period of Puerperio
One of the main transformations in a woman's body after childbirth is the decrease in hormone levels.
Based on this, the new mom may feel more tired and discouraged in that period, feelings that may also be accompanied by inssecurity or sadness.
Therefore, it is important to have the support of the family during the time of the quarantine, and it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of other more serious symptoms such as lack of appetite, insomnia and disinterest, which may indicate the beginning of a postpartum depression. in this case, you have to seek medical attention.
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Postpartum emotional shaking
During the quarantine and depending on the hormonal changes that we have already mentioned, the woman can be more fragile and sentimental. Therefore, the help of the couple and closest relatives is essential in this difficult period.
It is important that the family is prepared to help you and give you all the security you need at that time.
It is also important to remember that these changes are transient and that emotional confusion will soon pass.
Changes in the body
Especially in the first few days, it is normal for a woman to feel breast pain. This discomfort is normal and should be alleviated with breastfeeding. If that does not happen, you'd better find the doctor.
Another normal situation during the puerperium is having the intestine clogged or slow. Especially in the case of cesarean section, this picture can last up to 72 hours.
To alleviate the discomfort, the advice is to bet on foods rich in fibers, such as plum and orange, in addition to ingesting enough liquid.

Sex resumption
The resumption of sexual life after childbirth usually takes place after the first month, with the release of the obstetrician.
During that time, the libido may be low and the body still undergoes hormonal changes.
Therefore, we must have patience and creativity to resume sexual life.
During the quarantine, sexual activities should be restricted, but they should not be totally avoided! If you want, the couple can bet on masturbation or oral sex to reconnect after the baby's arrival while waiting for the doctor's release.
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Food and welfare during the puerperium
During the puerperium, it is essential that the woman adopt a balanced diet to strengthen the body and immunity.
Bet on vegetables, fruits and vegetables, in addition to foods rich in minerals such as iron and calcium, found in red meat and dairy products.
Another recommendation is to drink a lot of water at least two liters a day to help maternal intestinal function and also milk production.
Heavy, greasy or sugary foods should be avoided, since these elements are transmitted to breast milk and are more likely to cause colic in some babies, the digestive system of the newborn is not prepared to digest complex foods.
So far, no scientific study has shown that a specific group of foods can cause colic in all babies.
This response is individual, every baby may or may not have colic with certain foods. Therefore, the food issue should be treated individually, depending on each newborn.
If the mother observes that every time she ingests some food causes colic in her baby, then this food should be avoided.
Essential care you must have in the last days of pregnancy
Pregnancy is a magical moment for most women. it involves an accumulation of feelings that mix with each other: emotion, joy, apprehension, anguish and endless happiness.
These last weeks are essential for the period, called Puerperio, be totally natural.
Each month of gestation development is marked by new discoveries of that enchanting universe and, since not everything is flowers, we must also bear in mind that we will go through some rather complicated moments.
In the last days of pregnancy, the picture is not different. on the contrary, the body begins to show signs of proximity to childbirth, the belly is even larger and the discomfort is usually greater.
Added to that, the anxiety is a thousand, because the woman can no longer bear the desire to know the face of his son and hold it in his lap.
In view of the above, it is essential that mom deals with this final stretch that is as important for the safety of the baby as the other months of pregnancy, to get more comfort in the last days of pregnancy and more tranquility in childbirth.

Gestation and work routine
One of the doubts that surround the worries of pregnant women is their work routine in the last weeks of that period.
However, there is no rule about exactly when to stop working, since each woman has a different disposition at the end of pregnancy.
While some feel comfortable others feel more sick, tired and irritated or even have some kind of clinical complication at that time.
Pregnant women also have different styles of activity in their work, which can be light or require more physical effort, such as having to stand all day, climb stairs or sit in a non-ergometer chair, that overloads his back even more.
For these reasons, the choice of the best period for the start of maternity leave must be made together with your doctor, who will make a evaluation of their clinical, physical and emotional conditions and, therefore, a balance between the risks and the benefits of continuing to work until the last days of pregnancy.
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After your recommendations, the decision to leave or not work becomes personal, and you decide to continue performing your professional duties.
However, if you choose not to interrupt your routine, you should pay more attention to the risks of your work environment, such as ladders or utensils that can cause falls.
Attention to food consumed
Women who have had a healthy pregnancy without problems related to overweight, diabetes or increased blood pressure usually have no restrictions food during this final period of pregnancy.
Meanwhile, because of the large abdominal volume, the pregnant woman may experience gastric discomfort, heartburn, gas or constipation, by ingesting certain types of food, especially those of slower digestion, such as those rich in proteins or high in fat, such as fatty meat and whole cow's milk, for example.
In this way, it is interesting that women control their food consumption even better, giving priority to a healthy diet, balanced and in an interventionized way, every 3 hours and in small portions.
Another important fact is to avoid lying down immediately after a large meal, such as lunch or dinner, for example. and reduce the consumption of heavy foods during the night, since these habits can worsen heartburn and cause reflux.
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Ideally, follow up with a nutritionist, which will present you with the best menu and food options, according to your clinical and physical conditions.
Therefore, it is possible to reduce the frequency of gastric discomfort and, in addition, to have more disposition and health at the end of pregnancy.